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What Are (Or Were) Your Favorite Products While On Accutane?


Posted : 12/04/2012 5:30 pm

Anyone have any product suggestions for accutane that they could not do/have done without?


Moisturizers? Lip balm? Body lotions? Face wash? Body wash? Shaving creams (for women)? Shampoo/conditioner?


And for the ladies...MAKEUP! (to cover up all those pesky acne marks and red spots left behind...)


Thanks for any and all suggestions and recommendations! xmas.gif


Feel free to comment on anything you didn't like or that caused breakouts, as well!


Posted : 12/04/2012 9:58 pm

I've only been on Accutane for two weeks now, but I use the Cetaphil face wash (although I am going to switch to Cerave when it's gone) and the Cerave moisturizer. I really like it, and have been using it for over a year. As for shampoo and conditioner, I usually use Dove but I'm getting a really itchy scalp so I might try something else. Anyways, I'll be interested to see what other people say. Good luck with your course! :)

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Posted : 12/04/2012 10:14 pm

I use face wash by "Nude", "gorgeous" face cream by Lush, sometimes, "dermol" wash for face and body, epaderm cream for lips. I use revlon foundation. Good luck with your treatment!


Posted : 12/05/2012 3:15 pm

(copied my post from the other thread incase you miss it)


I'm 2 days into my 3rd month taking 55mg a day so it's deffo past the point where any flakiness will have occured, also dry lips etc.


I'm using Cetaphil moisturising cream for my face, it is truly amazing. I apply it once on a morning and that lasts me all day.


And for my lips I take Dr Dan's cortibalm which is working wonders. I also only have to apply that once on a morning and it lasts all day. My lips are never ever sore or sting when I smile etc. They do however build up dry skin on them once a week but I simply pull that off. Feels like I'm malting like a snake but still doesn't hurt and they are super smooth to the touch.


Hope that helps!


Posted : 12/05/2012 9:39 pm

Any shampoo/conditioner suggestions? Using Redken Color Extend now and scalps been getting a little itchy and dry lately... Thanks!!


Posted : 12/20/2012 10:30 am

i would have died without these 2 things: Derma E Psorzema cream for my dry face (and anywhere else), and Make Up For Ever full coverage camouflage concealer. If I didnt have those 2 products i literally would have been incapable of leaving the house.


Also, some of the other things i liked was curel itch defense lotion for my body and honestly vaseline and polysporin lol. I would put vaseline up my nose (yes UP my nose, it was SOOO dry) and also on my lips at night and i'd put polysporin on the sides of my lips cuz they were really cracked.


Posted : 01/01/2013 6:36 pm

I use cetaphil for cleansing and moisturizing because it seems to be the go-to product but as far as a lip moisturizer I found Neosporin Overnight Renewal Therapy. That's my miracle "chapped no more" lip lotion. I say lotion b/c it's literally more of a lotion and not a balm or stick. Still looking for a perfect make-up to cover my flaking though... Head and shoulders for my scalp and my hair loves Garnier's 3 in 1 conditioner and hair mask.


Posted : 01/02/2013 4:56 am

I use LaRochePosay effaclar face wash and effaclar h moisturiser. Its the best stuff for my skin.

Im using blistex on my lips and it does help, however im gonna try get Neosporin (thanks to yupmetoo!!!) for my lips now.

I find the Aussie brand fantastic for my hair, doesnt weigh my hair down or leave a residue.

Soap and Glory body scrub gets rid of flaky legs and the moisturiser restores the texture.

And more importantly i use Estee Lauder double wear foundation, make sure face is properly moisturused and it stays on all day :-)



Posted : 01/05/2013 4:04 pm

Agree about the Aussie and it smells good too! I used LaRochePosay moisturizer in the past but it isn't strong enough now. How's the face wash? Does it remove makeup well and gentle enough for the accutane? Just wondering cause its a more expensive brand, but I've heard very good things.


Posted : 01/05/2013 6:45 pm

Yeah its like bubble-gum scent, smells good enough to eat lol.

The face wash is honestly the best I've ever bought. I've had numerous sets of proactiv @ 50 euro a set, I thought it was working but it wasn't. I've had vichy normaderm, didnt do a whole lotta good either.

I use effaclar as my regimen wash, I do two small washes of five seconds each and it practically melts the make-up off yet its so mild on the skin, its really my little miracle, well worth the money, I highly recommend it.


Posted : 01/13/2013 3:50 pm

I wanted to add something for anyone who is having an extremely dry nose as a side effect. This has been the worst for me in the last week (since around day 35) with my nose all crusty and cracked feeling inside and just sore in general! I coated some q-tips in vaseline and rub inside my nose twice a day and its working wonders! Much more tolerable and almost back to normal! :D This is great for anyone dealing with severe dry nose as a side effect!!!


Posted : 01/27/2013 10:59 pm

So I wanted to scratch what I said about the vaseliine. I talked to my derm and she told me to stop using it because a patient of hers who did had lung problems later since it is inhaled without you knowing it. You don't feel it when breathing, but it can cause problems in the long run... She told me something else to use instead which is very odd and kind of funny, but she advised putting a little water-based KY jelly up my nose instead and I am going to try it soon! :P

I have a quick question about products too. I need a good makeup remover. The dial soap and the cetaphil face wash that I have been using do not help at all with this. The makeup kind of "dyes" my dry skin after it comes off for a few days... I'm not wearing makeup much, just when I have to go out in public for extended periods... Any suggestions would be very helpful! :D


Posted : 02/11/2013 12:02 pm

I've never taken accutane but I had a deviated septum fixed before which caused my nose to be extremely dry and bleed and the doctor said to NEVER put vaseline in your nose! It's dangerous! If you're going to use vaseline it can only go about 1cm into the nose. To keep your nose hydrated go buy a saline nasal spray from the drug store and use that throughout the day.
