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New Back And Chest Acne With Diminishing Facial Acne? O_O


Posted : 10/17/2012 5:23 pm

My facial acne is to a definite minimum (as of right now 2-3 actives because my diet has been so-so the past couple of days).



But now my chest and back are RAGING with little red bumps, almost like a rash at first with how much there is. I've been trying the Grisi sulfur soap when I shower but idk I can't say it's doing much, if anything.


Anyone have anything that works super well for body acne?? Like, something harsher that I can apply since that area can take it? I'm trying to stay fairly natural in my approach.


Any help would be awesomeeee.


Posted : 10/18/2012 2:25 am

Yes. I have been there. And done it ALL. It all comes down to EATING WELL. Use Alpha Hydroxy Acid at night on your chest and back, use a generous amount. Use a scrub in the shower lightly, even though st ives apricot scrub is not the best I have always used it. I like the tar soap called Grandpas Soap haha, it works well for me. After I used AHA for 6 months and started to see a difference I switched to raw extra virgin cocout oil and continue to use it, morning and night. I've used pure aloe vera on my chest and back some nights. I have done apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil at night as well. The answer is different for everyone, but I tell you, I HAD HORRIBLE back acne from a bad side effect of a medicaiton that fucked up my back and I thought I would never get it back.


Now I get compliments on my skin all the time, its insane, and I have come along way, there are many things for you to investigate. But amongst all of them, it is what you PUT in your body. I have quit dairy and stuggle to completly cut out gluten.

I am not on here that much, because I have tried everything and I know I just have to wait it out and continue being positive. I also use hydrocoristone for zits I want to dissapear in the morning,and I alternate with neosporin, I will put either cream on my blemishes before I apply coconut oil before I go to bed...and it does help. smile.png


Best of luck xoxo


Posted : 10/19/2012 9:39 pm

Hey there clambak3! It's nice to see another chi-town peep around here hifive.gif


First of all, congratulations on keeping your facial acne at a minimum. The body can tolerate chemicals better than the face for having thicker skin. It may be a tad hard to find a "harsher" product with maintaining a natural approach. How long have you been using your sulfur wash for? It may take some time to notice any sort of result, which goes along with any product of course! And we're talking of at least two weeks here, for your skin may go through a "purging" stage.


The only product I've had success with (out of the hundreds I've tried), would be Panoxyl. The main active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide that comes in concentrations of 5% and 10% which also contain specific alpha hydroxy acids such as lactic and glyolic that aid for the healing process of post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation (those darn red marks left after the acne is gone).


If you think that suggestion is a bit too artificial for your tastes, it's okay. I've always been pressured into using natural products by my family for they been skeptical of me using such chemicals, but unfortunately it just didn't work for me. I've also noticed that I achieve great results from receiving daily sunlight by sitting out on my patio for at least a half an hour a day. It's been really rainy and depressing out lately, so of course this would be very unrealistic, but just something to keep in mind when summer comes rolling back around.


Well anyways, good luck!


Posted : 10/21/2012 2:59 am

I have had issues with a condition like you described (many red bumps on back chest, seems more like a rash than acne). Dermatologist has been working with me on it for approximately a year. Initially it was diagnosed a folliculitus (was not certain if it was bacterial or fungal). We couldn't seem to fully knock the "rash" down completely and it would flare back up. One time it responded to antibacterial (clindamycin), the second time it responded to antifungal (ketoconazole shampoo). The third time it didn't respond to either of the prior methods and the sulfur / sodium sulfacetamide face wash I use didn't work on it either. It was also very itchy the third time too. Finally the derm did a biopsy and found I have a skin disorder called Grovers disease which is not bacterial or fungal. Initial treatment of this disorder is done with corticosteroid cream. Sure enough this triamcinolene steroid cream cleared up the problem in about 1-2 weeks. You might want to read a bit about this Grovers disease and/or ask a derm to assess what you have. You could spin your wheels trying traditional antibacterial and antifungal methods. Good luck and I hope you find a "fix" for the problem.
