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Cleared My Skin With Beta-Carotene


Posted : 10/23/2011 6:51 pm

I have cured my acne in a couple months. I have struggeled with severe acne for about ten years. Accutane was my last resort. Before my seven month period on Accutane, I had been on 6 different antibiotics and dozens of different topical medications.(Tazorac, Retin-A, Differin, Axelex.. etc) Every time I would leave the dermatologist I was so excited (in hope for clear skin) but after so many different prescriptions my acne was still there. I was devistated. I couldn™t keep putting those chemicals into my body when nothing even worked. I had about 70 pimples on my face at a time with at least two new appearing daily. I had cystic acne that kept getting worse. The bizarre thing was, I had already been on Accutane. My skin was perfect for about a year, but after that year I had broken out worse than ever. I couldn't take it anymore. When I thought of myself, acne just wasn't a part of who I was. After my dermatologist persistently told me food has nothing to do with it, it just didn™t make sense.

I went to a herbalist and iridologist to try to clear my skin, but my acne was still there. I believed there was nothing I could do about it except grow out of it. But when you have bad acne, that™s a miserable option. After researching every day for months I have finally found a cure to my once severe acne. I am SO happy!!! I want to help people who are in the same position as I was a couple months ago. Currently I have not one pimple on my face. I believe this works just as well as Accutane without the terrible side effects! I have tried pretty much everything, but this regimen healed my face: GIVE IT A TRY!

Vitamins cleared my skin. Better than anything else.

1. Beta-Carotene 25,000 IU and I take 4 of these a day. (100,000 IU)

WHY!? “ Beta- Carotene turns into Vitamin A in the body. Accutaine is derived from Vitamin A. In the 1920™s/30™s dermotologists would give their patients with acne Vitamin A supplimets “ it™s proven to clear skin. But they got sick! Too much Vitamin A poising and toxic! (Accutaine is formulated so it doesn™t have the toxic properties)

I started drinking a bunch of carrot juice because it is high in Beta- Carotene. I saw it immediately helping my skin. It is safe to take large doses Beta Carotene because whatever your body doesn™t need is stored in your body and released over time.. and you may hear that you turn slightly orange, but this never happened.

2. In order to properly absorb the beta-carotene, take OMEGA 3 & 6. (you can buy this at whole foods) Take one of these a day the same time you take the beta-carotene.

3. I also wash my face day and night with NEEM soap. (I bought this at whole foods, or you can buy it online.) This soap is extremely gentle.

- What everyone tells you is true; NEVER PICK YOUR SKIN. As hard as this is... don't do it! Trust what everyone says. Your face will clear up.

4. After washing apply a pea-sized amount of NEUTROGINA benzyl peroxide 10% to your entire face. (You can get this at CVS, Walgreens, ets.) -This isn't all natural, but it works.

-This will dry your skin, so make sure to put a moisturizer!! (Cetaphil cream works great!)

When you see your face clearing you can also begin to take some Zinc! It will prevent you from getting sick and will kick your acne in the butt. (Make sure to take with food)

I hope this helps!! It worked wonders for my skin. If you try my regimen, let me know how this worked for you!!

GOOD LUCK!! & love your healthy skin smile.png


Posted : 10/24/2011 9:00 am

Thanks for sharing. This cleared you up in a couple months?


Posted : 10/25/2011 9:27 am

I eat a lot of vitamin A sources--the easiest being pumpkin (canned, pure) in my oatmeal every morning. It helps a LOT, plus it keeps me full for HOURS. With a little pumpkin pie spice, it's like having dessert for breakfast! And it's cheap--about a .75 breakfast each morning. I'm also sure to take some omega 3s in the morning, lunch, and dinner.


Posted : 10/25/2011 5:14 pm

I have been taking beta-carotene 25,000 IU daily for more than 2 years, along with other vitamins including omegas. Yeah, I got clear; but at the same time I started taking this supplement I switched to fluoride-free toothpaste(tom's of maine brand) and I cleared up fast. I truly don't know if it was this supplement combined with other vitamins OR the switch to fluoride-free toothpaste.


Posted : 10/25/2011 5:31 pm

^my boyfriends venus is in virgo~


Posted : 03/26/2012 9:44 am

Did taking so much Beta-Carotene cause your skin to develop and orangish or yellowish tint? Did it have any effect on your skin color in general, some places say that that is a side effect of a large dose of Beta-Carotene


Posted : 03/31/2012 10:25 am

Did taking so much Beta-Carotene cause your skin to develop and orangish or yellowish tint? Did it have any effect on your skin color in general, some places say that that is a side effect of a large dose of Beta-Carotene


and you may hear that you turn slightly orange, but this never happened.



Posted : 03/31/2012 2:24 pm

One more thing, did the fact that the Beta-Carotene pills have Soybean Oil as an ingredient hurt any? I don't think I tolerate soy well. I can't find any that don't have Soybean Oil in other ingredients.


Posted : 03/31/2012 11:31 pm

Did taking so much Beta-Carotene cause your skin to develop and orangish or yellowish tint? Did it have any effect on your skin color in general, some places say that that is a side effect of a large dose of Beta-Carotene


Yeah. This happened to me.

Just wanted to let everyone know: YOU WILL TURN ORANGE.

Its really really bad on my hands and feet, they're bright orange on the palms and yellow everywhere else. But my entire skin tone has become yellowy-orange.

I get comments on it almost every day. It gets annoying to keep saying: "Yeah, I eat too many carrots." Some people have even asked if I have liver failure because of the yellow undertone. :P

MODERATION is the key to everything... i.e., don't eat 4-5 carrots a day or 3-4 sweet potatoes, a butternut squash, and 2 cans of pumpkin a week...

... I love orange food. :]


Posted : 04/01/2012 8:42 am

Did taking so much Beta-Carotene cause your skin to develop and orangish or yellowish tint? Did it have any effect on your skin color in general, some places say that that is a side effect of a large dose of Beta-Carotene


I get comments on it almost every day. It gets annoying to keep saying: "Yeah, I eat too many carrots." Some people have even asked if I have liver failure because of the yellow undertone. tongue.png

... I love orange food. :]


LOL! gj man


Posted : 02/04/2019 2:41 pm

I had the same profound acne cure experience, independently, coincidentally with the same dosage of beta-carotene as the poster (4 x 25,000 IU caps = 100,000 IU per day).

Now most acne know-it-alls will tell you beta-carotene cannot possibly help acne because it must be converted to vitamin A elsewhere in the body (and this conversion is limited, so you cannot build up a large amount of serum vitamin A from ingesting beta-carotene). So I decided to research this claim that beta-carotene could not have retinol-like activity in the skin to see if their claimis actually true.

And here is the study that proves that our anti-acne experience with beta-carotene actually does have scientific legitimacy:

Thisstudy found that beta-caroteneinduced a 10-fold increase of epidermal retinyl esters in human skin. Bottom line, beta-carotene is directlyconverted into retinol in human skin.

So one could make the case, since beta-carotene is virtually non-toxic (unlike pre-formed vitamin A), that taking high doses of beta-caroteneis the safest means of getting pronounced retinol activity within human skin.

I realize this is an old post I'm replying to, but I decided to join this site and add my experience (and the research I found) with beta-carotene on the chance this might help someone else with their acne.


Posted : 05/14/2020 3:18 pm

It's worth bearing in mind though that some people lack the gene to convert beta-c into retinol!


Posted : 05/18/2020 2:02 pm

Anecdotally I've found that when I eat sweet potatoes, my skin looks better and healthier


Posted : 06/19/2020 9:51 am

On 5/14/2020 at 9:18 PM, Foodforthought said:

It's worth bearing in mind though that some people lack the gene to convert beta-c into retinol!

All humans can convert beta carotene to retinol, as they're omnivores. Yes there is genetics that make people not as good, but they still convert. If it was such a big deal, it wouldn't be well established that in Humans, half of supplemental beta carotene can be converted to retinol (ref: ). The point with beta carotene, is that you can take very high dose needed to treat acne (up to 500,000 IU of beta carotene, which can be converted to the body to 500,000 IU of vitamin A as retinol) and not worry about vitamin A toxicity.
