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What's your holistic skin care secret?


Posted : 07/14/2011 5:41 pm

I would like to know what has worked for everyone, holistically speaking. Are you taking a certain supplement that has improved your skin? Are you taking ice cold showers? Are you taking ACV? Are certain foods helping you?


Posted : 07/14/2011 6:19 pm

Fixing my diet.

Getting enough sunshine.

Cardio with some low resistance training.



Posted : 07/14/2011 6:31 pm

Exercise. Seriously. Specifically, yoga and running.

Yoga is better than a massage.

I notice, when I am not working out...I break out more.


Also diet and taking care to eat meals slowly so as not to cause digestion problems.


And taking care of myself. Not worrying about the small stuff.


Posted : 07/14/2011 6:42 pm

I would like to know what has worked for everyone, holistically speaking. Are you taking a certain supplement that has improved your skin? Are you taking ice cold showers? Are you taking ACV? Are certain foods helping you?


The cure I found for my acne has been flossing everyday, specifically right before I go to bed, and washing my face right after. I feel that flossing gets the bacteria out from in between my teeth and so when you drool at night onto your pillow you aren't drooling bacteria on your pillow and rubbing your face in bacteria. I have flossed every day for the past 3 months and have had zero problems with my face. This technique has completely cleared my skin and is something I wish I knew a long time ago. I know I should have been flossing everyday anyways but the problem is I have never done so and the funny part is that I have never had a cavity. Anyways, I'm 25 now and I have had trouble with my clearing my face for at least 8 years. I have also tried every other thing in the book to get my skin clear, especially eating only foods that are said to not cause acne. Although eating healthy did actually help, I don't feel that it is a cure. It was very annoying trying to figure out whether I could eat this or that and worrying about whether it would cause me to breakout.


In addition to flossing, I also take warm/cold showers. Warm first and then the last minute or two cold. I take cold showers to tighten my pores and to increase the glow of my skin.


For moisturizing skin, nothing beats jojoba oil.


Things I stay away from are putting any chemical acne products on my skin because no chemical is good for your skin. I found most acne products end up making your face red anyway. I don't care what anybody says, natural is the only way to go.


In conclusion, I know flossing seems way too simple to work but trust me, it has saved my freaking life! I no longer stress over my face anymore and the only thing I need to worry about is flossing right before I go to bed every night (or you can floss after each meal but I just floss before bed). If anyone has any questions, let me know. I would be happy to answer.


Posted : 07/14/2011 6:56 pm

Yoga, walking, jojoba oil, green tea, healthy diet, sunshine, and lots of sleep!


If only I could manage to work full time and make sure I get all of those everyday!


Posted : 07/14/2011 6:58 pm

I would like to know what has worked for everyone, holistically speaking. Are you taking a certain supplement that has improved your skin? Are you taking ice cold showers? Are you taking ACV? Are certain foods helping you?


The cure I found for my acne has been flossing everyday, specifically right before I go to bed, and washing my face right after. I feel that flossing gets the bacteria out from in between my teeth and so when you drool at night onto your pillow you aren't drooling bacteria on your pillow and rubbing your face in bacteria. I have flossed every day for the past 3 months and have had zero problems with my face. This technique has completely cleared my skin and is something I wish I knew a long time ago. I know I should have been flossing everyday anyways but the problem is I have never done so and the funny part is that I have never had a cavity. Anyways, I'm 25 now and I have had trouble with my clearing my face for at least 8 years. I have also tried every other thing in the book to get my skin clear, especially eating only foods that are said to not cause acne. Although eating healthy did actually help, I don't feel that it is a cure. It was very annoying trying to figure out whether I could eat this or that and worrying about whether it would cause me to breakout.


In addition to flossing, I also take warm/cold showers. Warm first and then the last minute or two cold. I take cold showers to tighten my pores and to increase the glow of my skin.


For moisturizing skin, nothing beats jojoba oil.


Things I stay away from are putting any chemical acne products on my skin because no chemical is good for your skin. I found most acne products end up making your face red anyway. I don't care what anybody says, natural is the only way to go.


In conclusion, I know flossing seems way too simple to work but trust me, it has saved my freaking life! I no longer stress over my face anymore and the only thing I need to worry about is flossing right before I go to bed every night (or you can floss after each meal but I just floss before bed). If anyone has any questions, let me know. I would be happy to answer.




Its probably less about the drooling and more about reducing toxins and bacteria and therefore infection and inflamation in your body. Motivates me to start flossing more!


Posted : 07/14/2011 7:03 pm

Good point GreenEyes. That was just my theory of why it works. Let me know how it goes for you. I've researched the correlation between flossing and acne but it seems that nobody has done a study on it at all.


I also have been able to eat whatever I want while dong this and my skin has still stayed cleared. Very weird because I was almost certain that my diet had an effect on my acne.


Posted : 07/14/2011 7:16 pm

Good point GreenEyes. That was just my theory of why it works. Let me know how it goes for you. I've researched the correlation between flossing and acne but it seems that nobody has done a study on it at all.


I also have been able to eat whatever I want while dong this and my skin has still stayed cleared. Very weird because I was almost certain that my diet had an effect on my acne.


I've heard that there's lots of studies about how good flossing is for general health and longevity. Great health should equal clear complexion so it makes a lot of sense. Going to floss now haha!



Posted : 07/14/2011 7:30 pm

One thing that helped my mouth acne HUGE was mouthwash. I got an all organic kind, started around a year ago and need it every day. I think getting rid of the bad toxins and bacteria in the mouth is huge. I would see flossing being very similar to mouthwash.


This is a great thread, for topically: Ice cold showers (I'm a huge fan, not only for skin but muscle recovery), Never touching/picking, ACV/Sea Salt followed by organic manuka 25+ honey (I do that routine every 2-3 days, sometimes I go as long as 4-5 days with only washing my face in the shower). I swear a big thing I learned through all the years of topicals is that less is better. I try to not aggravate my skin as much as possible.


And sleep, exercise, and proper diet and stress management all very important to me.


Posted : 07/14/2011 7:50 pm

One thing that helped my mouth acne HUGE was mouthwash. I got an all organic kind, started around a year ago and need it every day. I think getting rid of the bad toxins and bacteria in the mouth is huge. I would see flossing being very similar to mouthwash.


This is a great thread, for topically: Ice cold showers (I'm a huge fan, not only for skin but muscle recovery), Never touching/picking, ACV/Sea Salt followed by organic manuka 25+ honey (I do that routine every 2-3 days, sometimes I go as long as 4-5 days with only washing my face in the shower). I swear a big thing I learned through all the years of topicals is that less is better. I try to not aggravate my skin as much as possible.


And sleep, exercise, and proper diet and stress management all very important to me.


When you say mouth acne, what do you mean exactly?


Pretty much the only place I breakout now is around my mouth, esp near the corners. Tried changing my toothpaste to a flouride free one and that didn't fix it. I probably get one pimple a week there and it doesnt seem to be on one side in particular, they! Maybe I should look into organic mouthwash too? I gave it up a while ago as my husbands uncle has gotten tongue cancer and his doctor told him that people who use regular mouthwash on a regular basis have a much higher chance of getting tongue cancer...yuck.


Posted : 07/14/2011 9:30 pm

Great input. I was wondering what you did for body acne too. Does anyone do cold showers?


Posted : 07/14/2011 10:59 pm

Yeah I said I do cold showers, and the sun is great for body acne.


Greeneyes, I meant acne around the mouth. Through my years of acne around my mouth was by far the most problematic. I read about mouthwash somewhere forgot, tried it one day and literally by the end of that day was starting to notice a change. The skin around my mouth felt so much better. I'm someone who has brushed their teeth at least twice a day my whole life too. Diet was seriously the main cure for me though, as I used to have a lot of signs of candida like white tongue, cancer sores and what not and I eliminated all that through strict dieting, mouthwash just seemed to be an extra soldier in the battle, but a good one.


Posted : 07/14/2011 11:08 pm

I don't have any secrets, but a handful of things that were particularly helpful to my skin and health :)


1. Green smoothies, such a convenient way to get a bunch of great anti-acne and pro-health benefits!


2. Proper sleep. I actually wake up refreshed, and don't need an alarm! I go to bed around 10, wake up around 6. No caffeine after 2PM also, and no naps.


3. Spirulina, and soon chlorella. awesome super foods that do so much for the body. I also supplement with fish oil, ALA, MSM, and my multivitamin.


4. I LOVE tea! Chamomile, roobios, green tea (sen cha, hojicha, gunpowder, to name a few), oolong, cinnamon, mint, and probably more in my cabinet. I have some kind of tea with just about every meal!


5. Nutrient dense, anti-inflammatory foods 80-90% of the time.



Posted : 07/14/2011 11:33 pm

I feel healthier and my skin is nicer when I get regular sun. SAFELY and RESPONSIBLY is key.


EXERCISE DAILY (Start off with whatever you can... but exercise is essential! I do about 30 mins of cardio every day... Well, I AIM to! This week has been good. I'm proud of myself this week!)


Get full, deep sleeps in pure darkness. Sleep is so so so important.


Green smoothies 2-3 x daily. I mix is up with kale, swiss chard, collard greens, broccoli, cauliflower, all kinds of sprouts, spinach, and add juice from my juicer like beets, lemon, cucumber, etc. I feel damn good after my green smoothies. My hubby and I also love juicing vegis.


Find out your food allergies and intolerances! Silent inflammation! Cut out common allergens like wheat and other glutunous grains, corn, dairy, and peanuts (aflatoxin)


Like alternatvista and sweetjade say... nutrient dense anti-inflammatory foods should comprise most of your diet. Vegis, low glycemic fruits, turmeric, cinnamon, certain nuts are just a few anti-inflammatory foods. I love using to see which foods highly anti-inflammatory and vice versa. That website is pretty flippin awesome!


Cut out or reduce sugar. Substitute w/ stevia or agave if you can't handle stevia.


Eat organic if you can. My hubby and I don't eat out, drink, party, buy many extravagent things, go shopping, etc, but we splurge on eating entirely organic.


Those things are key key key IMO.


*Also - I would recommend watching the movie/film "Crazy Sexy Cancer". It is inspiring, and will no doubt inspire you. Atleast google it to see her story. Her "acne" is basically stage 4 liver cancer, and she totally changes her life to organic, green smoothies, meditation, exercise, basially everything that the holistic community on here would recommend. It's a MUST see for everyone reading this. I would also highly recommend reading the book The China Study.


**Other suggestions - Following candida diet if you believe this is a problem for you, dental cleanup of any mercury amalgams, and parasite cleansing is also beneficial. Someone also mentioned flossing and dental health... my hubby and I are addicted to flossing, and can't miss a day without it. Oil pulling with coconut oil is also awesome for dental/gum health. =)


***I just realized that the person above me shares many of the same suggestions. That is awesome!!


Posted : 07/15/2011 6:04 am

Yeah I said I do cold showers, and the sun is great for body acne.


Greeneyes, I meant acne around the mouth. Through my years of acne around my mouth was by far the most problematic. I read about mouthwash somewhere forgot, tried it one day and literally by the end of that day was starting to notice a change. The skin around my mouth felt so much better. I'm someone who has brushed their teeth at least twice a day my whole life too. Diet was seriously the main cure for me though, as I used to have a lot of signs of candida like white tongue, cancer sores and what not and I eliminated all that through strict dieting, mouthwash just seemed to be an extra soldier in the battle, but a good one.


Awesome! Diet has taken me from 4 new spots a day to 1 new one a week, it's a lifesaver. BUT the spots I do get are 99% of the time around my mouth too. I'm also bad at getting my 8 hours of sleep consistantly and exercising consistantly, so I'm sure that would help too, but I'm going to up my oral hygene. Sadly I brush once in the morning and once after supper (but I do eat after that) and only floss a few times a week. I'm BAD I know I brushed and flossed before bed last night and will buy some Jason's mouthwash when I go out next! I read online that you swallow built up plaque and it creates toxins in your blood, so it does make a lot of sense. And of course, gum inflamation in your mouth. Thanks so much!


Posted : 07/15/2011 6:12 am

Yoga, walking, jojoba oil, green tea, healthy diet, sunshine, and lots of sleep!


If only I could manage to work full time and make sure I get all of those everyday!




Firstly, I want to say that since I started taking D3 on your recommendation, my skin has become 99% clear. Of course there could be a lot of other factors involved but I am super happy with the results.


Secondly, I used to go to yoga classes every week (loved them, the teacher is amazing) but they are too expensive... I really want to do it at home but have found that reading the moves from a book makes the whole thing not at all fluid or relaxing like the classes were. Do you have any tips?


Posted : 07/15/2011 6:30 am

Yoga, walking, jojoba oil, green tea, healthy diet, sunshine, and lots of sleep!


If only I could manage to work full time and make sure I get all of those everyday!




Firstly, I want to say that since I started taking D3 on your recommendation, my skin has become 99% clear. Of course there could be a lot of other factors involved but I am super happy with the results.


Secondly, I used to go to yoga classes every week (loved them, the teacher is amazing) but they are too expensive... I really want to do it at home but have found that reading the moves from a book makes the whole thing not at all fluid or relaxing like the classes were. Do you have any tips?



Isnt it good??? I'm trying to get natural sun now since there's USUALLY one sunny day a week and I'm hoping thats enough, but I'll definitely be going back to the d3 once the dreaded fall comes Im so glad you're happy with it! I do think it's a combination of everything you've been doing, but humans are supposed to be exposed to sunlight and d3, it only makes sense!


Have you tried a dvd? I tried doing the reading poses too and it is SO awkward and takes the 'relaxing part' right out of it I agree yoga is super expensive, my job gives us a 'healthy living allowance' that pretty much pays for mine otherwise I'd be in the same boat. I used to be really into pilates (before I got even lazier and chose yoga haha) and I have the windsor pilates dvds and I LOVED doing them. You can even play your own music if you want! Im hoping to find a new job and quit mine soon so I'll probably end up buying a yoga dvd as well, so let me know if you do go that route and which dvd you got!


Also do you drink green tea at all? I just started a week ago and I drink 2 cups a day and my skin has just been glowing. Googling around I've noticed a lot of people have said that! Now that you're clearing up I definitely recommend it :)


Posted : 07/15/2011 6:32 am

One thing that helped my mouth acne HUGE was mouthwash. I got an all organic kind, started around a year ago and need it every day. I think getting rid of the bad toxins and bacteria in the mouth is huge. I would see flossing being very similar to mouthwash.


this is something i am definitely going to have to try. i do use mouthwash but not every night.


and i do have a tendency to drool in my sleep ;)


do you use a more "natural" mouthwash with no additives or just a regular one?


Posted : 07/15/2011 6:38 am

So I just googled 'dental hygene and inflamation' and WOW. I guess it really does have quite an effect on all inflamatory type diseases (cancer, alzheimers, diabetes...and of course acne!) crazy! Thanks so much guys.


Posted : 07/15/2011 7:06 am

One thing that helped my mouth acne HUGE was mouthwash. I got an all organic kind, started around a year ago and need it every day. I think getting rid of the bad toxins and bacteria in the mouth is huge. I would see flossing being very similar to mouthwash.


This is a great thread, for topically: Ice cold showers (I'm a huge fan, not only for skin but muscle recovery), Never touching/picking, ACV/Sea Salt followed by organic manuka 25+ honey (I do that routine every 2-3 days, sometimes I go as long as 4-5 days with only washing my face in the shower). I swear a big thing I learned through all the years of topicals is that less is better. I try to not aggravate my skin as much as possible.


And sleep, exercise, and proper diet and stress management all very important to me.


Mouth Acne (and temple acne) has been my biggest problem for some time as i usually get blackheads there that later become inflammed and infected. It's really cool that you managed to get rid of it through the aid of mouthwash. I'm going to have to get me some :-)


With regards to my holistic skin care, i'm still not a hundred per cent clear but cutting all grains out and supplementing with Vitamin d3 and Chromium (in addition to my tried and trusted favourite niacin) has definitely helped reduce the amount of pimples i get.


Posted : 07/15/2011 8:58 am

ohsailor, yeah there are a bunch of organic mouthwashes. I always go for alcohol free. Maybe the reason why people get tongue cancer is because excess alcohol in the mouth? Not to mention all the other crap they put in comerical mouth wash like blue #1 and blue #5 which I've read can do a lot of damage.


You really don't even need to buy one though, ya can make your own. Good way is to heat up some water with cinammon, then add sea salt, boom- organic mouth wash. Use mouthwash and flossing before brushing, then after brushing rinse well again. For toothpaste I use organic kiss my face with aloe. Yeah sounds gay haha, but gotta do what ya gotta do ;)


btw what kind of d3 are you guys takin? as in brand


Posted : 07/15/2011 9:06 am

I'm just taking a cheapo no-name brand one. It's a D3 softgel. I spend too much on my probiotics, and omega 3 and other vitamins to buy good quality for all my vits.


Posted : 07/15/2011 11:15 am

ohsailor, yeah there are a bunch of organic mouthwashes. I always go for alcohol free. Maybe the reason why people get tongue cancer is because excess alcohol in the mouth? Not to mention all the other crap they put in comerical mouth wash like blue #1 and blue #5 which I've read can do a lot of damage.


i've used dentyl active before (with the two different layers of mouthwash) and it has definitely broke me out around the mouth because as soon as i stopped, my skin around my mouth was fine.


its quite disturbing how many additives are in a simple thing like mouthwash that you don't even think about.


Posted : 07/15/2011 11:57 am

Yoga, walking, jojoba oil, green tea, healthy diet, sunshine, and lots of sleep!


If only I could manage to work full time and make sure I get all of those everyday!




Firstly, I want to say that since I started taking D3 on your recommendation, my skin has become 99% clear. Of course there could be a lot of other factors involved but I am super happy with the results.


Secondly, I used to go to yoga classes every week (loved them, the teacher is amazing) but they are too expensive... I really want to do it at home but have found that reading the moves from a book makes the whole thing not at all fluid or relaxing like the classes were. Do you have any tips?




I was actually looking for a video on sleeping the other day and came across this. There are a ton of full length videos on their channel as well as in the suggestion on the side from other users.




Posted : 07/15/2011 3:29 pm

* This is an edit. Mrs. Grape doesn't live here anymore.

Cya, the Org.
