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So Mad At Myself


Posted : 07/28/2015 10:34 pm

I hadn't picked anything since October of last year. Until tonight. After having pretty good skin for the past two months, I was frustrated because my nose was breaking out, and I had a zit on my chin that was getting redder. It had been there lurking as a small whitehead for about a month. Today, it became red and inflamed, and it started to swell. I was worried that it would go deeper into my skin and become a blind pimple if I didn't intervene. So I picked up the needle, scolded myself, and put it back down. Then I picked it up again, scolded myself, and put it away. The third time, I went for it. I pricked, I squeezed, I used the tweezers to help me squeeze, and I didn't get much white gunk out at all. Useless. So now I am left with a bloody, red spot surrounded by swollen, red skin. I have created a painful welt that is five times larger than the original pimple. I knew even as I was popping the zit that I was making a huge mistake, but I continued. I doused the area in Bactroban and hydrocortisone, and I popped 100 mg of Minocycline. God help me. I sure hope this is better in the morning, but I hate myself right now.


Posted : 07/28/2015 11:30 pm

I know this feeling so well. Just remember that in a day or two or three it will not be nearly as red and you will be pretty much over it.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 07/29/2015 7:45 am

Thank you. :) I'm going to keep my hands off of it and hope it gets better quickly. Probably covering it with makeup will make me examine it less.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 07/29/2015 10:10 am



Keeps it from getting bigger.


If it's a blind pimple:


Do a hot water compress at night.


Cover the pimple with BP after.


It will be mostly gone in 2-3 days!


Posted : 07/29/2015 10:30 am


Topic moved to skin picking forum


Posted : 07/29/2015 7:14 pm

BP is too harsh for my skin. I have rosacea and am very fair. I can only use really gentle products, and it took me forever to build up to using Retin-A. So Bactroban and hydrocortisone with aloe are about as good as it gets, especially on fragile picked skin. I'll use Retin-A on the rest of my face, but not around that area. I covered it with eczema moisturizer this morning and dabbed on some powder concealer. It may be slightly smaller, but the redness is a beast. It's pretty much a red ring around the zit, and it's still swollen. It was a bit crusty all day, too. Kept reopening randomly and weeping a little. It's peeling a lot around the area. I intend to use the same process tonight, but I'm dreading washing my face. No matter how gentle I am, I know it'll open up and start weeping all over again.


Posted : 08/03/2015 8:13 pm

These are great for scabs! [Edited link out]

Whatever you do, don't pick the scab!... Thats my number 1 problem... I'll pick the scab to make a smoother appearance for make up but by the end of day its call caked on and clogs your pores again!
