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Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Control Moisturizer!!!


Posted : 11/11/2016 4:29 pm

i have had oily skin for years and nothing has helped. i bought this moisturizer a few days ago and it doesnt really advertise as oil control, though it does say on the bottle it "has new proven technology that dissolves oil fast, preparing skin so acne medicine can penetrate into pores".
for me, this controls oil all day long. its amazing. normally when i wash my face, 10 minutes later oil is starting to show through and by an hour later its usually an oil slick.
clean and clear makes a white one that is cheaper called dual action and they seem to have very similar ingredients but that one caused my face to burn and get a rash so i DO NOT recommend that one!
i have tried practically every product advertised to control oily skin and found nothing to work. this has also really helped with blackheads too.
ps. if this doesnt work for you, the same time i started using this i also ditched the harsh soap and but went back to my good ol' dr. bronners bar soap so could it be a combo of the two? i doubt it but just a thought.
i hope it helps. having really oily skin is so frustrating >:(

