Seborrheic Dermatit...
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Seborrheic Dermatitis


Posted : 03/02/2016 1:36 pm

Hello all. I haven't been here in years... I was a member in my early twenties when acne was my primary trouble (I'm 33 now). I've been diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. It's mainly my scalp and eyebrows, but my face is also flaky and I get it a little bit in my eyelashes sometimes. Anywho... My dermatologist prescribed the 2% ketoconazole shampoo every other day for two weeks, betamethazone valerate foam twice a day, and desonide lotion for my eyebrows twice a day. The instructions were to follow this for two weeks, then take two weeks off. For some reason, I thought that meant it would clear up by the end of the first two weeks and after that it would just be maintenance. I now know better. I followed the two weeks with no change in my condition, and I am now one week into the 2 week break. So another week before I start the treatment again. For a little background, I started noticing the flakes on my scalp three years ago, but it has been noticeably worse the past year and a half. I only noticed flakes in my eyebrows a couple of months ago, followed by my eyelashes. That was the last straw that sent me looking for help, but of course, when I went my eyelashes looked fine.

So, here are my questions: Has anyone here had success with this course of action? If so, how long did it take? Is there anything else I should be inquiring about trying? Or is there anything I can do outside of what the dermatologist might recommend? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

On top of this issue, I just started Ortho Tri Cyclen nearly two weeks ago, and I'm now breaking out along my hairline, which has NEVER happened, so I'm assuming that has to be the culprit. But that combined with seborrheic dermatitis is making me feel like I just look like I never shower.


Posted : 03/06/2016 4:05 pm

Keto is almost useless in fighting Seb Derm. Go on and then to the Similar Conditions forum. Lots of advice for you to brush up on and there are many people who have had SD for years to help you. Derms are practically useless in the SD fight. Check out some of the threads on that website.
