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Starting birth control


Posted : 08/28/2018 3:56 pm

I have been using monocycle for the past 5 years and tried to wean myself off of it by only using it when I start to break out. With doing so I started to notice more breakouts. Before monocycle my acne was severe. So the breakouts I get now arent nearly as bad. I no longer get cystic acne, but I do break out in large pustules. I know my acne is hormonal because my worst breakouts are 1 week before my period. I know I cant be on minocycline forever and my doctor prescribed the birth control Loestrin Fe 24. Im debating if I should start taking the birth control or remain on the monocycline. My concern is that birth control could make my acne worse and it would become severe again. I also tried taking accutane in the past but experienced a bad reaction so that is not an option for me.


Posted : 09/15/2018 11:14 pm

I recommend that you give birth control a try if your acne is hormonal. You are right that you should not take minocycline forever. Antibiotics should really not be prescribed for more than 6 months due to side effects and antibiotic resistance. You should try the birth control for a few months and see how your body reacts. Remember that there are also tons of other birth control pills out there if one doesn't work for you, then another one might.
