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Persistent Hormonal Acne Help!


Posted : 08/17/2018 2:07 pm

Hey guys! I am in need of some help with my hormonal acne. For the past year or so I have had consistent hormonal acne on my chin, specifically on the left side. I have comedones, blackheads, white heads, dry skin, and redness in that area specifically, with some small instances on the middle of my chin and left side. Occasionally also on my forehead and nose. 


While I™ve always had acne, I™ve never really struggled until I got the Kyleena progesterone IUD. Since then it™s been non stop mini breakouts, including my first ever cyst (which is still going strong) and my first ever acne scars. Hasn™t been a nice experience, and it™s really messing with my confidence honestly. 


I really need help with what to do to help it out. What to eat or not eat, vitamins to use, and product ideas. 


I currently do consume a lot of coffee/caffeine and also a lot of dairy. Should I cut those out, and if I do how long should I wait to see if that™s my problem. 


My skin routine is thus: 


Morning - wash face with spin for perfect spin brush (regular head) and green beaver green tea citrus wash. Then apply skin cuticles blemish and age defense to breakouts as a spot treatment. Then apply the ordinary™s niacinimide treatment to whole face. Let dry and apply dr. Haushkas quince day cream. Do not apply a sunscreen, because I am afraid it will mess with my sensitive skin. 


Nighttime - wash face with spin for perfect skin brush and green beaver green tea citrus wash with spin for perfect skin (regular head), apply the ordinary™s niacinimide serum, then apply benzagel 5 on breakouts (on 2 nights one night don™t apply) and then dr. Haushckas quince day cream again. I also sometimes use corsx acne master patches over night on breakouts. 


While these have been working, I still need that something to get rid of this stubborn acne on my chin. Looking for product recommendations, things to try or take out of my routine.  Or is my routine fine and I just need to change my eating habits??? 


Any and all advice is welcome!


TLDR; looking for routine/life advice on stubborn hormonal chin acne, for fixed and prevention. 





Side note, please rate my acne!!


Posted : 08/17/2018 8:37 pm

Are you able to change your BC to one that is acne friendly? If it is messing with your hormones, it will continue to do so no matter how good your skin care or diet is. Acne seems mild and hormonal, not bad at all.


Posted : 08/18/2018 7:59 am

Im not no. Cant do estrogen, cause of family history


Posted : 08/18/2018 11:26 am

Understood. In an ideal world, I would recommend a BC method with no hormones such as condoms and copper IUD (ParaGard).

As for diet, cutting out dairy might be something you want to try as dairy products have hormones in them. I would recommend a 3 month trial period. You may also want to make sure your diet is as nutritionally dense as possible.

I am not able to recommend products as i have not found a single one that works for me.

Hang in there.


Posted : 08/18/2018 4:41 pm

5 hours ago, leelowe1 said:

Understood. In an ideal world, I would recommend a BC method with no hormones such as condoms and copper IUD (ParaGard).

As for diet, cutting out dairy might be something you want to try as dairy products have hormones in them. I would recommend a 3 month trial period. You may also want to make sure your diet is as nutritionally dense as possible.

I am not able to recommend products as i have not found a single one that works for me.

Hang in there.

What do you mean nutritionally dense??


Posted : 08/20/2018 12:25 pm

Whole foods, minimal processed. Foods that have lots of vitamins and minerals and are in their natural state.

Ex: Beans, rice, chicken, fish, lettuce, cucumber, etc.


Posted : 08/20/2018 2:10 pm

I second the opinion that you should rethink the IUD you currently have. I mean in your case it's pretty obvious what is causing it. I suffer from hormonal acne (not due to a BC method) and hormonal acne is hard to get rid of. Honestly, I don't think anything you do is going to counterbalance the progesterone that your IUD is constantly releasing into your body.

If I'm understanding your post correctly you can't have anything with estrogen and as the moderator suggested there is an IUD (Paraguard) that is cooper and has no hormones in it. Also, maybe the Femcapor a diaphragmwould work? All of those options don't have any estrogen in them and don't reduce sensation for you or your partner.

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