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I've been clear for 6 months here's what worked for me 🙂


Posted : 01/19/2017 3:40 pm

Hi there,
You may remember me from some months back, I was dealing with hormonal acne in my 30s. I have been off this site for a while because I now have clear skin and I wanted to update on what I've done and what worked.
I have been on generic Yaz for about a year, it improved my skin but I wasn't clear until I added 50mg of Spiro daily that i saw a dramatic change. It took about 3 months( from June to August) to see results but once it worked, my skin became normal as opposed to very oily, I stopped getting hormonal cysts and white heads and pretty much now, my skin is clear and I'm extremely happy with it.
The only other things to mention are while no topicals really helped my acne, green tea extract and over the counter retinol( not Retinol A) have been the best topicals I've used. Green tea helps with too much androgens and inflammation and retinol helps your skin cells shed and renew faster, the retinol isn't nearly as harsh as Retinol A but still helps. I buy green tea extract at the health shop and mix it in with moisturizer. I also wash my face with crushed oatmeal( I put dry oatmeal in a blender). It is moisturising without drying out my face.

I do try to eat healthy but since the meds have kicked in, the only thing that ever affects my skin is dairy. It really caused inflamed acne before but now, it might cause a small pimple or two but they go away in 1-2 days.
I haven't been on simply because since my skin has cleared I have not thought about it much. Its awesome to have normal skin that isn't breaking out in ugly, red, and painful bumps and feel like my face is an oil slick. I have been depressed in the past and borderline suicidal, and I'm not going to say my life is suddenly perfect, but its a huge improvement in my mindset and I feel " normal".
I haven't had any noticeable side effects from either med, except lower blood pressure and the absence of periods from time to time, which is fine by I have gained weight from the antidepressant I take but I'm trying to wean off it since I no longer have many of the mental issues, including acne.
I hope my advice might help someone, of course it won't work for everyone( Spiro and birth control won't work for males) but the important thing is to keep trying and don't give up. And love yourself no matter the state of your skin because you are the same person inside no matter what so don't get to the point where you feel your acne makes you less of a person ( like I did). Its a medical condition like anything else not your fault.
Best of luck to everyone, if anyone has questions about my regimen I'll be happy to answer.


Posted : 01/19/2017 3:47 pm

Hey SG!

This is an awesome success story!! Very inspiring!!! Thanks so much for sharing it!!!
Best wishes for continued success!!! B|

xx DeLovely


Posted : 01/20/2017 7:12 pm

Thanks very much!

DeLovely liked

Posted : 01/23/2017 4:03 pm

Hi snarkygirl, thank you so much for sharing your success story, it is literally exactly what I needed to read right now! I'm dealing with acne in my mid-20s and started taking Dianette about 4 months ago with no real improvement but a month ago my dermatologist put me on 50mg of spiro and last week increased it to 100mg. I'm really frustrated with my skin at the moment because I don't feel it's improved anything like as much as I'd hoped by now, but reading your story has given me hope. I really hope I see results as good as yours by the time I reach month 3 of spiro. Congrats on the clear skin and long may it last!


Posted : 01/24/2017 12:43 pm

This is my first post . I am happy for you that your skin is back to normal. Its a terrible feeling to wake up every morning just to look at your face getting worse. Its got to be one of the worst self esteem killers! Now you get to look at the you you enjoy looking at in the mirror every day. We all hope to have a success story like yours! I tried getting off my birth control pills for the past 8 years but every time I tried talking to my doctor about getting off the pills he would always give me reasons why I should keep taking them until one day I decided on my own that I wasn't taking them anymore . Oily skin, breakouts, and embarrassing days in public is the result of coming off birth control for me. I have never had breakouts and this is one chapter of my life that I will be glad when it passes. I am very hopeful and I am trying to look at the positive side of things and once this finally passes then I won't have to go through it anymore. Thanks for sharing your story.
