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Is this an initial break out from birth control?


Posted : 09/02/2016 7:00 am

Okay so at the start of the year I started suffering with bumps all over my forehead, in order to clear these up I tried over the counter products and a variety of prescription medication specifically for acne. Sad to say none of these worked at all. I then went to the doctors and was put on antibiotics, these didn't seem to make any difference. I stuck it out for the full 3 months and only then did I realise my skin had become progressively worse, as I now got pimples around my cheeks and temples every now and then. My mum and I then discussed that my acne could be hormonal due to nothing else working and getting breakouts around my period. So to my point - I started marvel on 21 and in the first month my skin went CRAZY I had a huge flare up! When I was on the seven day break it began to clear, but I am now a week into the second pill packet and once again my skin has gone mad!! And by mad I mean about 4-5 new whiteheads on each of my temples every morning and my cheeks being covered in pimples, I can't even tell where one starts and one finishes. Is this an initial break out and my skin is purging or is my skin having a negative reaction to this and I should wait another month to see any change?


Posted : 09/02/2016 11:46 am

When I started the pill, the first 2 weeks of the second packet were the worst for me. I got a terrible breakout. It calmed down after that, and then about halfway through the 3rd pack I started seeing real improvement. So, perhaps wait it out a bit longer!
