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is this natural?


Posted : 12/21/2015 12:07 pm

i'm thirteen (i know that sounds really young but i like to think i'm fairly mature for my age) and i know quite a lot about beauty andskincare.i know that a lot of acne problems come from hormones, especially at my age however i've started to have serious concern about particular acne on my face, and i'm not quite sure whether to write this off as natural or i need to look for something to change in regards to my diet, sleeping pattern, skin care routine etc. i've had various tiny little blemishes and red spots across the side of and above my right cheek, near where my jawline ends and they have been there now for almost a year i think. i do wear makeup but no foundation, only light bits of concealer and a little bit of matte powder. is this natural, and will it be there forever?


Posted : 12/27/2015 9:28 pm

If it's not cystic acne, I guess you should not worry about it; it's just a little, commonhormonal problemthat will hopefully set up with time.

However, if you're still worried, just talk to your doctor about the possibility to do a blood test to know how areyour hormones going.
