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Hormonal Acne On Chin? Please Help


Posted : 01/06/2015 11:56 am

In the past 2 months I have had some very small acne appear on my chin. I am writing to you guys as I notice it has become more red and has spread to the left side of my chin now too with a few dots appearing above my mouth by my nose, unlike before where it was minor and on the right side on my chin only.

I had some break outs (not on my chin at the time) so I used a Neutrogena face wash to try and minimize the redness. I noticed that it didn't help and quickly stopped using it after maybe 3 times? It wasn't for a few weeks that I notice red dots that seemed like they were under my skin appearing on my chin.

At this point I thought it was my makeup (I don't use very much anyways) so I stopped using that for quite a long time and it did not go away.

Recently I have noticed that more dots have begun to appear on both sides of my chin and some redness dots on my cheeks. To the touch, they feel almost not there but just a little roughness to the skin. I've attached some photos of what it looks like recently. Hopefully someone can tell me what it is and how to get rid of it. I heard some "Witch" oil ( I forgot the name) has worked for some people but i'm not sure what I even have if this is hormonal as usually when I get around that time of the month, it goes away but I have had more on my plate the past couple months so I think it could be so.
Any suggestions? image-1.jpgimage-2.jpg


Posted : 08/15/2015 12:44 am

This acne can easily go away if you ignore and try not to pick at it. Worry about it when you start getting zits like mine then you'll know what having real acne on your chin is like. :(
