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Spiro & Diane Combo


Posted : 12/13/2013 4:35 pm

Hi all,

I'm brand new here! I've browsed the forum for quite a while now and you all just such a good support group, I wanted to join in! Every time I google something acne related, I end up here.

Spiro & Diane 35 combo - Who's tried it? Good/Bad. How long did it take for you to see results? Was there an initial breakout? I've been on it for about 2 weeks now. I have no results - I can't really tell if its getting worse or staying the same. I started taking photos of myself every morning, so I'll hopefully be able to tell from that in a week or two.

I wanted to share my history with you all in case anyone else has had similar experiences...

Acne since 13,

went on Accutane at 16, it worked (very temporarily),

Diane 35 and minocycline (and then later just Diane) at 17, it worked AMAZINGLY for a good 4 years.

Between ages 23 and 26 I went on and off Diane quite a few times. Every Spring my skin looked amazing, I thought my problems were over FOREVER (My skin has finally matured! I can just drop everything and go au-natural) and then come November it's back with a vengeance.

This year is the first year that it really came back bad. In the past month it has completely destroyed all the work of every little peel, and microderm and facial I have had. I am gutted. I don't even know how it can look this bad. I am not used to having it like this, I feel almost detached from it. Like, I forget I have it until I look in the mirror or touch my face and it hurts. I'm embarrassed to go out but I feel like hiding is more suspicious, so I just bear it. I hate putting on so much makeup, I'm a lipstick and mascara kinda girl.

It's textbook hormonal acne. My chin (not the center of my chin oddly enough, just the sides), along my jawline and it's creeping up my lower cheeks. I don't have it anywhere else on my face or body. My forehead is completely clear.

I did some research and I think I have PCOS. The description of the hormonal effects of PCOS sound exactly like what I got. I am seeing my derm next Friday and hope to get tested.

I am also doing the Dermaceutic Mask Peel through my derms office. Has anyone here had any experience with that product line?

That's all for now! I'll keep you all posted on my progress smile.png



Posted : 12/15/2013 7:18 pm

It might be overkill. If I were you I would start with spiro, less side effects. I have taken both and together but weaned off Diane after a few weeks on spiro.

Marissa87 liked

Posted : 12/15/2013 11:13 pm

It might be overkill. If I were you I would start with spiro, less side effects. I have taken both and together but weaned off Diane after a few weeks on spiro.

Thanks for the suggestion. I have been using Diane on and off for a while so as far as side effects go, I don't really experience any - if anything it actually does wonders for my menstrual cycle, cramps, etc. Spiro is what is new to me.

When you say overkill do you mean it could possibly work against me? Adverse effects? Or do you mean it may be too much and not necessary?

When you started on Spiro was there an initial breakout or was you skin already relatively clear because you were on Diane? It'll be 2 weeks on spiro tomorrow. I am just hoping it calms down a little before the big family Christmas dinner.

I can see maybe a slight improvement. I just have so many under the skin comedomes that have been waiting to come up. I am hoping the meds kick them before they have a chance to develop into cysts.

Sorry for all the questions!!


Posted : 12/16/2013 12:29 pm

I can't predict if using both might eventually work against you, but I also wouldn't recommend taking unnecessary meds (you may need Diane again later and you'd want it to be very effective (non resistant). I would wait till after Christmas and slowly wean off of Diane (cut the pills and take a couple months to fully stop the medication or you might risk a rebound).

I was on Diane when I started spiro and it took a few weeks for my skin to clear up. Then I started reducing my Diane.

Sometimes if you're worried a cyst is coming up, some Advil or Tylenol will reduce the inflammation before a big event (like your family dinner).


Oh and I had a small initial breakout that resolved in a week or so.

Marissa87 liked

Posted : 12/17/2013 1:04 pm

I can't predict if using both might eventually work against you, but I also wouldn't recommend taking unnecessary meds (you may need Diane again later and you'd want it to be very effective (non resistant). I would wait till after Christmas and slowly wean off of Diane (cut the pills and take a couple months to fully stop the medication or you might risk a rebound).

I was on Diane when I started spiro and it took a few weeks for my skin to clear up. Then I started reducing my Diane.

Sometimes if you're worried a cyst is coming up, some Advil or Tylenol will reduce the inflammation before a big event (like your family dinner).


Oh and I had a small initial breakout that resolved in a week or so.

Good idea with the tylenol. Thanks for the info!


Posted : 12/23/2013 6:32 pm


I am not new as in I have been a member for years but would only read others stories to help me get through a bad spell. Now I feel like I am finally able to contribute some valuable info.

-same on and off again cystic acne since 16, now 37 and it just 5 months ago cleared.

-I am OCD and have a terrible time picking so didn't help my situation (so bad I would stay in house for days, not go to work bc I dug into my skin)

- Took BC at 16 to stop acne, and continued trying different ones thorughout 20's but same result: clear face, gain weight! I really did not want the weight gain so stayed off.

-On and off antibiotics, Obagi masks, peels, etc. until the day came when my derm said you have one last alternative, Accutane. This was just in July 2013.

-Well,this was really the last thing I wanted to do my body, plus the registering and checking in with doctor frequently..but if it made my skin clear I was willing.

-Now for whatever reason, a new doctor starting in the dermatologist's office I visited heard about this dilemna and suggested Spironolactone.

- He felt if BC was only thing that helped it has to be hormonally-based acne. He was right, it took approx. 2 months and my face is clear as ever. I still have these bumps that only I can see in certain lighting but there is no way to remove them without surgery and major scarring. I am thrilled beyond belief.

-I slowly weened off the antibiotic (so scared to do) but I found the Spiro was the answer, even my topical (Acanya) wasn't needed anymore.

-Only downfall is periods stop or become erratic, so a progesterone by your GYN taken a few times a month to spark your period is all you will need. Not much to give for the dramatic results.

-Basically, my body is producing too much Androgen (male hormone all women have) which cause the cystic acne, so the Spiro acts as a blocker. Those commercials for "Androgel" for men make sense to me (supposedly) helps older men regain their energy and adding more Androgen which they lose as they age!

-I still use Retin A at night bc it is great for everything..scars, aging, hyperpigmentation..etc If I could buy a vat of it, I would. ha! ha!

-What I discovered was the ultimate solution would be for a GYN, Derm and Endocrinolgist (hormones) to all work together in same office. So much of the cystic acne for woman is hormonal.

-Finally, I just wish someone could have mentioned this earlier as the med has been on market for a long time, though maybe not as an acne med?? HOWEVER, I recently had a pap smear where the doctor used a sonogram and he showed me the pocket of cysts which he said is the signs of cystic acne!

-My conclusion is once you know it is hormonal acne, there is no reason to try anything else but a med that will alter the over productive hormone causing the acne (I'm not a doctor) but seems by doing research you can , at least, offer these ideas to your doctor as it may be something he hasn't thought of. thank you for being an amazing site.

Marissa87 liked

Posted : 01/02/2014 12:50 pm

Bluevoodoo! Thanks so much for the story. It's good to hear a similar one and know that other people suffer for the exact same reason as me.

Spiro has been working great! It's been about 3 weeks and everything is settling down. No more inflamed or painful cysts. Now it's just a matter of getting the ones that are already there (although they too are fading quickly) to go away completely. I have my last glycolic acid peel on Monday and then my derm mentioned extractions (for all those little bumps we both mentioned). Extractions are said be a bit painful so she is supposed to evaluate and decide Monday.

I can tell its working because when I wash my face, the cysts I currently have are drying up and peeling off.

There is a long road ahead because I know the scarring is going to be a problem but I have already stopped having to wear liquid foundation. Which is quite freeing.

I am currently taking 200mg Spiro and Diane 35. It's been three weeks and I already seeing an improvement. I've also gone through my menstrual cycle once so I know the meds are working great.
