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Spironolactone With Bc


Posted : 07/12/2013 9:48 pm


So I have been using spironolactone since last June (June 2012) and it had been working great. My skin was mostly clear and my breakouts would appear far less often. However, since April I seem to have breakouts much more frequently. I get cystic pimples and whiteheads. The odd part is that I have had my period every 2 weeks instead of 4 since I've been on spiro (which I know isn't normal). Furthermore, my breakouts seem to appear a week before my period every time since April, and since I've been getting my period so often, i've also been breaking out a lot.

I told my dermatologist about my dilemma and she said I should speak to my gynecologist. I am on no form of birth control so I was wondering if maybe going on BC while spironolactone would help. My appointment is schedule in a week but I just wanted to research beforehand.

So does anyone know if going on BC makes spironolactone more effective? Has anyone gone through a similar situation as me?

Please let me know! Thanks so much :)


Posted : 07/12/2013 11:41 pm

Bc should help correct this problem for sure. Also you should make sure the pill you're being put on is helpful to your acne. Like yaz has spiro in it already. So maybe that would be good for you. But ask your derm and see what they say just make sure you are getting bc that's going to help with your hormonal acne
