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How To Suggest Spiro To Derm?


Posted : 06/17/2013 6:28 pm

I'm going to the dermatologist soon for the very first time, and I really need help figuring out what I can say to get them to perscribe me spironolactone. I know you obviously cant just walk in and ask and then they hand it to you obviously theres no magic words, but I really want to skip over the useless topical and antibiotics recommendations and get to the thing i think will actually work!

I have very hormonal acne, and i have been tracking it for months. I've found that my acne flares up like crazy when I'm ovulating like clockwork, and then again a week before my period. My skin begins to clear up dramatically during my period week, just to start the vicious cycle over again! if thats not a hormone imbalance i dont know what is.. also my acne is mostly small cysts and pustules around my mouth, chin and cheeks.(a common place for hormonal acne)I'm pretty hopeful that I can get cleared on spiro, because i've read alot of people with the same issues as me got cleared on it too.

I'm planning on saying i've already tried countless antibiotics (which i havent actually, i just have my reasons why i do not want to go on them, at all) and creams and that im ready for something effective. will they need like, proof that ive taken them? will I have to make several trips to this derm to get them to finally let me take spiro?(i dont have insurance so i cant be wasting money on multiple trips, either) how did you guys go about suggesting it? sorry if this post is kind of all over the place!



Posted : 06/17/2013 7:47 pm

I think your plan is a good one! Let me them know that you've tried all the antibiotics and topicals and that you're resistant to them now/they were ineffective and you've heard of a lot of people having success with Spiro. That's what I told mine! I said I read about it online, I didn't care about the side effects and that I was desperate, lol. You can also provide a case as to why you think your acne is hormonal and would benefit from Spiro. You shouldn't have to give a big elaborate speech unless your derm is a jerk. They're there to help you with your skin woes. Good luck!


Posted : 06/17/2013 8:02 pm

ok Thank you! I guess i'm just super paranoid/expecting the worst because i feel like i never get what i want/need in these types of doctor situations. So I'm guessing it worked for you? if so, how long did it take for you to start seeing results? what was your dosage? and did you have an initial breakout? (sorrrry so many questions haha)


Posted : 06/17/2013 11:03 pm

I totally understand your concerns. My first derm did not give a crap about me. Eventually (before I tried Spiro I might add) he told me there was nothing left he could do for me. I got a new derm and asked about Spiro on my own and I'm so glad I did! I started out on 50mg twice a day and eventually went up to 100mg twice a day and I've remained on that dose for 4 years now. I didn't see any changes on 50mg twice a day, but that doesn't mean you won't. My body/skin sucks. Anyways, it definitely changed my skin for the better. It consistently got better after I started taking it, but I remember a breakout at about the 5 month mark, but then it just continued to improve. I probably saw full results after 8 months or so. My skin was much less oily and I have not gotten even one cyst in 4 years. Before, I got them often and I will have scars forever as a result. However, I want to add that it was not a miracle drug to the extent that it made my skin perfect. It did make my skin break out less and the breakouts I do get are more manageable. Hope that helps!


Posted : 06/18/2013 1:15 am

Try bringing in something printed. This webpage explains how spiro is prescribed for acne and cites medical journals.


Posted : 06/18/2013 12:01 pm

Awesome idea, I will do that. Thank you. The article states that spironolactone works better if a bcp is taken along with it. Do you agree? Will they let me take it without taking birth control ? I know it causes birth defects but theres zero chance of me getting pregnant, ever.


Posted : 06/19/2013 6:02 am

Actually there are a couple of studies that show spiro does NOT cause birth defects...but I doubt most docs have read them.


Adding bcp can hurt or help. Lots of bcps make acne worse or create further hormonal problems that weren't there. I don't use hormonal bcp because I don't want to add synthetic hormones to my body. I found that simply muting androgens with spiro was all I needed to clear the acne.


I use a no hormone copper IUD for birth control. If your doc insists on BCP you can always just not fill the prescription...they won't take tests for contraceptives like they do for accutane. If they test anything at all it will be your potassium levels.


The reason the Yaz bcp often works for acne is because it contains drospirenone which is a form of spironolactone. contains roughly the equivalent of a 25 mg dose. If your acne is bad like mine was it won't be enough considering I take 100 mg spiro daily.
