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How can I tell if my acne is caused by hormones?


Posted : 07/15/2011 9:11 am

So I've had moderate acne for just over 2 years, I'm now 20. I had mild acne as a young teen, then was clear for a few years, before it creeped back up and got a billion times worse than before. However, how am I supposed to know if it's hormonal acne?


I have acne all the time, not just once a month. I never really notice it worsening around the time of the month because it's always bad. It has it's own little cycle of getting better one week, to the point where it gives me false hope that's it finally on it's way out, and then a few days later it can be the worst it's ever been, and then the cycle will continue, and it'll get better, then worse, then better, then worse etc. But this never coincides with my period, it's just random (as far as I can tell). It never stays good (good for me anyway) for more than a week.


I've been put on dianette birth control but I'm only a month into treatment so I don't expect to see any results yet... but I'm just wondering how I'm supposed to tell if it is actually caused by hormones or if it's caused by something else? If it is hormonal I'm thinking of trying Spiro next as I can't take Dianette forever, and I would rather avoid accutane.


Girls, are there any signs to look out for that could suggest it's hormonal?



Posted : 07/15/2011 11:04 am

i was always under the impression that if you have acne on your chin, for females, it meant it was predominantly hormonal.




Posted : 07/15/2011 3:01 pm

I guess the easy answer is you'll know after a few months on this medication : )


Posted : 07/15/2011 3:38 pm

* This is an edit. Mrs. Grape doesn't live here anymore.

Cya, the Org.


Posted : 07/15/2011 5:55 pm

It honestly doesn't sound hormonal to me. It seems that for most women, when they get hormonal acne it creeps up fairly quickly after (even before) puberty hits. And I'd assume you didn't hit puberty when you were 16. Hormonal acne also usually strikes mostly around one's period, either before, during, or after. If acne is constantly there yet visibly gets worse around your period, then you'd likely have hormonal acne that has been made worse by some other variable,


Yep, that is definitely true for me, and I have issues with my hormones which is why I'm on BC and Spiro. I don't think you have hormonal acne, either.


Posted : 07/15/2011 11:02 pm

* This is an edit. Mrs. Grape doesn't live here anymore.

Cya, the Org.


Posted : 07/15/2011 11:05 pm

i was always under the impression that if you have acne on your chin, for females, it meant it was predominantly hormonal.



truth, female hormonal acne is seen under the chin, i've noted this too. However, this may not occur always


Posted : 07/16/2011 5:36 am

So I've had moderate acne for just over 2 years, I'm now 20. I had mild acne as a young teen, then was clear for a few years, before it creeped back up and got a billion times worse than before. However, how am I supposed to know if it's hormonal acne?


I have acne all the time, not just once a month. I never really notice it worsening around the time of the month because it's always bad. It has it's own little cycle of getting better one week, to the point where it gives me false hope that's it finally on it's way out, and then a few days later it can be the worst it's ever been, and then the cycle will continue, and it'll get better, then worse, then better, then worse etc. But this never coincides with my period, it's just random (as far as I can tell). It never stays good (good for me anyway) for more than a week.


I've been put on dianette birth control but I'm only a month into treatment so I don't expect to see any results yet... but I'm just wondering how I'm supposed to tell if it is actually caused by hormones or if it's caused by something else? If it is hormonal I'm thinking of trying Spiro next as I can't take Dianette forever, and I would rather avoid accutane.


Girls, are there any signs to look out for that could suggest it's hormonal?



I'm exactly the same as you! For years I didn't suffer from acne (odd pimple now and then), then at 21 I started breaking out. Now I have spots all the time pretty much, and it doesn't change around period time - people keep telling me to start birth control but I don't think it'll help!


Posted : 07/16/2011 5:58 pm

It honestly doesn't sound hormonal to me. It seems that for most women, when they get hormonal acne it creeps up fairly quickly after (even before) puberty hits. And I'd assume you didn't hit puberty when you were 16. Hormonal acne also usually strikes mostly around one's period, either before, during, or after. If acne is constantly there yet visibly gets worse around your period, then you'd likely have hormonal acne that has been made worse by some other variable, causing it to remain an issue when your hormones aren't affecting your skin. Have you considered that maybe your skincare routine is to blame? Washcloths totally ruined my face. And based on your sig, it sounds like you actually have dehydrated skin (which explains the flaking/peeling) coupled with your oilier skin. Dehydrated skin often makes oily skin appear oilier. Your cleansing products could be too dehydrating, causing the skin to flake up more, and the lotion might not be absorbing properly, thus causing it to look and feel oilier while not helping the flaking. This was what happened with my skin, although without the flaking - I just had major tightness. When I went on water-only, I definitely got nasty flaking, adn once I started using a washcloth to make it better, it actually made it worse. I had to just give up on that and let the skin do its thing and shed itself, which it eventually did after about a month of not exfoliating. The same happened on my arms and somewhat on my legs (legs still have some shedding left to do).


I used a tea tree oil cleanser, contributed to my acne and to my dehydration/oiliness. I think you should try cutting back on your routine and see if that helps slightly. So stop using products in the AM, just use water (and apply makeup if you want, but I'd advise against it for a while because you'd not be manually removing the flaking), then use your PM routine and use your AM lotion at night, as your post-cleanse step at night doesn't sound too nourishing. If that helps, then you know that you are doing too much topically.



Hey, thanks for your reply. I feel kind of disheartened that you guys don't think it could be hormonal because that would've been easier to treat. We'll see how dianette goes though.


As for your suggestion for water only in the morning, I tried that for about a month because I wanted to limit the amount of products I was using, but it didn't have any affect on my skin. I was still applying moisturiser and make up afterwards though. I went make up free for a week a few months ago but it was horrible - it might have been better for my skin but it killed my self confidence even more. I think that's the lowest I ever felt about my skin. I still go without make up if I'm not leaving the house, but I won't even contemplate going make up free if I've got stuff to do.


I do think the washcloths are doing no good for my skin as I just irritate it and probably bring more dirt to the surface, plus they're probably not that hygienic. I just can't see how I can put make up on otherwise because of the flaking. The areas of skin without acne doesn't flake, it's literally just the healing acne that flakes - the old spots eventually dry up and flake off.


I wish someone could just look my skin and test me for everything to find the cause rather than spending forever trialling everything :( Acne sucks so bad :( 🙁 :(




Posted : 07/16/2011 6:11 pm

* This is an edit. Mrs. Grape doesn't live here anymore.

Cya, the Org.


Posted : 07/16/2011 8:23 pm

I think mine is hormonal but i dont know as my periods are all over the place. however my acne changed when i came of the injection, i got acne all over and it got significantly worse for a while. its bad all the time but one time when the gap between my period was coming up to 7 weeks my skin was major bad for 4/5 weeks in the build up, then calmed a little when period came. But on the whole i aways have new ones every single day. Could this be due to something else then & not just hormonal? i wonder if the spiro will work. otherwise i may chop my head off.


Posted : 07/16/2011 8:25 pm

I think mine is hormonal but i dont know as my periods are all over the place. however my acne changed when i came of the injection, i got acne all over and it got significantly worse for a while. its bad all the time but one time when the gap between my period was coming up to 7 weeks my skin was major bad for 4/5 weeks in the build up, then calmed a little when period came. But on the whole i aways have new ones every single day. Could this be due to something else then & not just hormonal? i wonder if the spiro will work. otherwise i may chop my head off.


Posted : 07/16/2011 9:50 pm

* This is an edit. Mrs. Grape doesn't live here anymore.

Cya, the Org.


Posted : 03/19/2013 5:27 pm

Wow, your story sounds identical to mine. I had mild acne as a teen, then a few clear years, then started again worse at 22. My breakouts come and go in cycles just like you describe yours. I have been on BC since I was 18, and my doctor tried a few different kinds and none seemed to affect my acne so he refferred me to a derm. My derm put me on differin gel and minocycline. I dont want to jinx it but it seems like its helping alot so far, and im only on week 2!

I wondered the same thing, if my acne was hormonal or not. My doctors say yes, even though my periods and BC pill have no affect on my breakouts.


Posted : 03/20/2013 6:42 pm

I think if you have a consistant good acne regimen and you're still breaking out it could be hormonal. If you've been on acne topicals and oral antibiotics/acne medication and your acne is still not improving its probably hormonal.


Posted : 03/26/2013 5:31 am

This sounds exactly like me! I had moderate acne on my cheeks as a teen and was put on BC with positive results. I also tried the regime but my skin was so sensitive to the BP. Since Christmas last year I have had a huuuuge acne breakout on my chin (I am 20 now). I was completely clear before this other than the odd pimple here and there.. and to make matters worse it's only on the sides of my chin under my mouth and it doesn't go away! It's now spreading to my jaw and neck. I wake up daily with up to 3 - 5 new huge whiteheads. cry.gif


Posted : 03/27/2013 7:06 pm

uh, what is acne if it's not hormonal? Isn't wacked out hormones and overactive sebaceous glands more of less the root of all acne issues...?

I guess you can call some cases bacterial and whatever else but don't they still all come down to the hormones control the activity of sebaceous glands?

or is this subforum specifically for females and "period/pms" acne?? if so, nvm sorry lol


Posted : 03/30/2013 9:47 am

If you have hormonal acne, it'll be predominantly around your chin at one point
