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30 day no skin picking or squeezing!


Posted : 06/02/2017 8:23 am

Quick Intro
Ok so I have had blackheads since the age of about 13 (I'm 19 now). Occasionally I have a whitehead outbreak as well for unknown reasons.

My Problem
So since I started getting blackheads I cannot stop squeezing all the "junk" out of my pores. I used to spend over an hour in the bathroom every other day squeezing out all the blackhead plugs. It was definitely an addiction of mine between the age of 13 and 18. I'd destroy my face with all the squeezing and my face would be all red and bloody and I'd regret it instantly after I'd finished. After I turned 19 I think I finally broke the addiction because now I only seem to do it when I'm stressed, sleep deprived, or dehydrated. I usually relapse after about a week now. It just makes me feel awful I never want to see anybody because of how damaged my face looks. I've tried stopping permantly before just when I think everything is going well I'm in the bathroom squeezing my blackheads before i even realise.
So my deciding to do this 30 day challenge of no picking or squeezing in hopes that it will keep me accountable and make it easier to continue to leave my face alone even after the 30 days is up.

Day 1: It is currently 2:17pm UK time and the damage I did yesterday to my face from squeezing has not healed at all, however I'm still deciding to go to the gym soon even though my face looks like a pepperoni pizza. I'm hoping the gym is empty (lol yeh right). So far today I've only touched my face one and that was to pop the only whitehead I have on my face.
7 Skin looks slightly better (not sure if I'm imagining it or not), the red on my face seems to have died down a bit. I have high hopes for tomorrow but also little worried as I have work tomorrow and then a huge BBQ with lots of people at my house.


Posted : 06/03/2017 4:21 am

Day 2:10:20am UK. Skin looks practically the same as yesterday. One or two pimples have formed scabs and started to heal which is good, however I now have two extra whiteheads. One on my neck (the worst place to get them in my opinion) and one on my cheek.
6:10pm UK. Skin situation is pretty much the same. I went to the gym just before the big BBQ which I felt fine about and the BBQ went better than I thought it would although I was aware of my bad skin the entire time.
Later I'll be using an exfoliating cream specifically for blackheads with salacyclic acid in it. I'll be using this everyday to try and eliminate blackheads.


Posted : 06/04/2017 10:07 am

Day 3:4:03pm UK. My skin has pretty much all round started to heal and the pimple I had on my neck has shrunk to around half the size. I have 3 new tiny whiteheads (no big deal). I have however really struggled keeping my face dry opposed to what it's like usually (really oily).
9:35pm UK. Still pretty much no difference since this morning. I'm really struggling to keep my face "oil free". One more whitehead appeared. I'm hoping my skin will look better tomorrow.


Posted : 06/05/2017 2:57 pm

Day 4:8:56pm UK. Skin isn't any worse or any better. Practically nothing to report but I did have the confidence to go out today.
