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Holistic Journey


Posted : 12/08/2013 7:00 am


== Myself ==

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Acne: Mild/Moderate since 2007 (so, for 6+ years)

Weight: 50kg (110lb)

Height: 1m68 (5'6")

Location: Western Europe

Skin type: dry/sensitive (I think, not really sure)


== Tried Regimen ==

- Applying Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar: almost nothing

- Applying Tea Tree Oil: almost nothing

- Drinking Grapefruit Seed Extract: almost nothing

- Currently on Arctium lappa: almost nothing


== Current Regimen ==

- Cleaning face morning/evening using Aleppo Soap: that's the easiest and simplest one I found without any SLS/comedogenics, it's supposed to be gentle and leave the skin moisturized (I'm thinking about adding Benzoyl Peroxyde and/or Salycilic Acid to try to get rid of some pimples that stays for months)

- Drinking a lot of water

- Regularly changing pillowcase

- Some exercising: push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups (exercising is supposed to be good, but I also read exercising too much can cause acne, so I don't want to go overboard here)

- No face-touching (well, I'm trying, but it's really hard and I often fail this one)


== Current Diet ==

Currently: probiotics-full and gluten-free (well 99% I might still get some hidden/contaminated ones)

For this, I was inspired by topics like these:




I like the leaky gut explanation because it would make sense:

- During my student years living on my own eating really poorly (pasta, white rice, ketchup, processed stuff, almost no fruits/veggies) would have damaged my gut

- Since last summer (around 5 months ago), I started eating a lot more healthy, but it didn't really help my acne much


During November I slowly added more and more probiotics, and I'm now on [yogurt, sauerkraut, water kefir, kimchi]

Aside from probiotics, my diet contains approximately:

- Breakfast: [carrot, green tea, oatmeal, butter] // almost same everyday

- Meals (Lunch/Dinner): [red beets, green salad, tomatoes, kiwi, sauerkraut, potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, chicken, green lentils, sarrazin pancakes] // changes from day to day: I pick some in the list (not exhaustive)

- Afternoon snack: [apple, almonds, dark chocolate (at least 80%)] // almost same everyday

- Evening snack (before bed): [banana] // almost same everyday


I'm currently not dairy-free (I really don't think I break out from it), but I try to eat mostly fermented dairy, same thing for trying to reduce fat/oils: I noticed I might eat too much bad fat/oils (based on this topic: )

== Photo log ==

To be the more accurate possible, I used the camera's flash for every single photo, so I get almost the same lighting every time (however, it makes the flaws even more visible, so it's pretty ugly, beware)

I also made my own software to automatically rotate and crop the images by detecting the eyes' position. It also adds a black mask to stay anonymous, but it makes it looks really weird/ridiculous.

I discard all responsibilities if you open this spoiler: it might hurt your eyes and your subconscious permenently




















