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Epiduo Log


Posted : 11/26/2013 3:42 pm

So it's my second week on Epiduo

I have what would be called mild-moderate acne, but like a lot of us, i see it so much worse than it actually is

Skin history:

- Mild-moderate acne

- Used Duac, left discolored patches on skin

- ALSO TRIED - doxycycline, minocyline, tetracycline, erythromycin

- also tried the whole holistic thing - i eat healthy anyway but all i notice is that a massive sugar binge slightly makes things worse

SO, long story short, i am on week 2 of epiduo

It's been up and down so far, my face is more bumpy but is overall better i think? bumps tend to disappear quickly and brown bits of PIH are starting to disappear, my forehead bumps and spots are INCREDIBLY persistent and refuse to go away no matter what

but last night, i thought i'd forgotten to apply the epiduo to my left cheek, and so applied an extra dosage leaving my skin nice and red

k final bit (this has dragged just a bit....) do any of you have tips for reducing blotchiness of the skin (i have a nice patch on my right cheek that's red and irritated even though i don't apply epiduo and just put cetaphil moisturiser and honey on it)


Posted : 11/27/2013 1:36 pm

Day 10

andd oh my god


okay my skin is redder than a lobster on my cheeks so i've slathered it in cetaphil

but this looks to be finally working

i woke up this morning with a nasty deep pustule on my chin - put epiduo on it in the morning (cheating i know) and it's gone, leaving a nice big red mark, but gone at least!

having some hope that i'll be clear before christmas


Posted : 11/28/2013 3:25 pm

just two new spots today, both v small, one on my chin and the other on my left cheek

i think my PIH is starting to fade, and its only day 11

somewhat concerned i haven't gone through a purging period, but as my acne is mild-moderate i think maybe there isn't that much crap under the surface that has to be purged

feeling hopeful : )


Posted : 11/29/2013 6:05 pm

^purging period has begun lololol

a massive, and i mean massive spot right under my lip, i popped it and it didn't scar, but a bit of skin is missing, so i now have an indented spot, gr8, it literally pulled out a plug of yellow pus (lovely)

few small bumps on left cheek

overrall, it's all going well, redness issues beginning to go away, so all is looking good

hopefully my small purge is gone by morning

handy tip, if you have nose blackheads, brush your nose with a toothbrush and toothpaste, works a charm and much better than any pore strip (and cheaper too!)


Posted : 11/30/2013 1:29 pm

okay all is going well

i need help though

i have red blotchy cheeks that don't have many spots on them, but the redness makes it look bad, i've tried Cetaphil and that doesn't seem to be working....

any tips from red blotchy cheeks?


Posted : 12/08/2013 5:52 pm

i'm thinking of quitting epiduo and trying holistic/less chemically harsh things for a second time

after examining my face a lot i've realised that:

i have very few active spots, my problem is a horrible horrible skin tone that makes me look like i have rosacea across my entire face, and a lot of pih on my chin and forehead, and that, when combined with my red red cheeks makes my acne look 10000x worse than it is

the only time i remember my skin tone being clear and even was when my Duac ran out and i used sudocrem every night like a full facial treatment

also does steaming have any benefits, currently suffering from a cold and steamed to clear my sinuses, wondering if clearing loads of gunk could impact on acne?

feeling really down about my skin right now, thought i'd be clear by christmas, if i'm clear by my 18th (may) it'll be a miracle, it's not even the spots so much now, it's the disgusting skin tone, i permanently look sunburnt and rosacea'd (is that even a word)). i'm completely fed up of having my life dominated by acne, it seems so pathetic when i tell people because they react with: oh it's just your skin, but to me that is the most important thing i could possibly have

tldr: thinking of quitting epiduo and BP products entirely, using them on and off since april has crippled what was once a really nice tan complexion


Posted : 12/10/2013 4:11 pm

update (if anyone is even reading this) if not it still serves as a log for me:

took a good long look at my forehead, i only have one spot :) BUT i have loads of rolling scars, which is what makes my skin tone look weird, any suggestions?

currently using sudocrem on cheeks to try and even out skin tone, the time i had best skin tone was after duac which cleared my up and i used sudocrem masks at night, my skin was really nice, however, i'm thinking of using cetaphil instead. cheeks seem to just have PIH and the odd whitehead/pustule not too bad, as well as a lot of redness and blotchiness. my temples just have pih, but i'm noticing pustules inside my eyebrows......

but still skin tone is my overall problem so:

cetaphil v sudocrem to even out skin tone is the question?

also does honey mask every night help with skin tone?


Posted : 01/29/2014 10:47 am

Hi there!

I'm on my 4th month of Epiduo, and my skin is clear now. There's only scars left which should fade away after a while. I know how you feel, during my 2nd month I looked like I had sunburn on my face (even though it was winter in Australia). My face was red and itchy and flaky, could not apply any make-up at all. But I kept going with it and the ongoing redness went away mid-way through my 3rd month. After that, it would be red and peeling every now and then, but when it's done peeling and the new skin is exposed, my skin feels super nice. I really think the endurance I had during the first months really pays off now.


Posted : 01/29/2014 12:13 pm

Any pictures? I'm currently using Aczone & Epiduo (at night) and had great results until this current month.


Posted : 01/30/2014 4:18 pm

im on epiduo since last night lol. tried applying it on small patches on my cheeks just to see if it makes my face red. and it does!! woke up this morning and the parts where i applied epiduo are pinkish red and slightly itchy. should i continue with it?


Posted : 03/13/2014 1:48 pm

Okay v long overdue update, it has now been almost 4 months on epiduo

skin is doing much better than at the start, the issue of constant sunburn-like redness has gone down, i've stopped using honey which also contributed a lot to persistent clogged pores on the forehead

what tends to happen is my cheeks stay usually fairly clear, with very small whiteheads appearing, a pustule will usually appear only if i've been drinking a lot of alcohol or eating awfully

nose spots seem to come largely if i pick at sebaceous glands which i thought were blackheads, tip do not pick at them, they only fill up and leave your nose irritated if you pick at them, so just don't, if you steam your face, as i now do 2 or 3 times a week, they tend to come out very easily in the shower without much picking

forehead is still fairly persistent, sometimes it will be completely clear but it has a tendency to explode with multiple large pustules which are (usually) buried in the hairline, i use head and shoulders 4 times a week on my hair (could it possibly be that, who knows) currently i have 2 pustules, both near my hairline

however, the big problem is that i have, for the first time, got what i think is a cyst

it's a colourless - red bump, that's a bit odd to the touch, it doesn't hurt so i don't think it's toooo deep but i don't know what to do

i had one on my right cheek that is STILL there over 3 months later, i lanced it a few times so it scabbed but it has remained, fortunately it's usually not visible because my cheekbones cover it pretty well, but i do not know what to do

the main benefit from epiduo has been that PIH clears mega fast

the week before i began epiduo my forehead had the largest pustule i think i've ever had, it created a large, large, pih mark, and this has STILL stuck around (much lighter though)

however, the marks from pustules that popped in the last few weeks have lightened a lot

so overall, so far so good, 4 months and i think i'm still ocasionally breaking out, mostly on my forehead

oh and btw routine is:

morning: moisturise in dry patches, and if a new spot has come up overnight use the tiniest amount of epiduo

afternoon: blot forehead to avoid more clogged pores and use sudocrem on inflamed pustules when they happen

evening; epiduo and cetaphil, steam every 2-3 nights

yes i use no face washes, i think they're quite unnecessary
