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Acne-Prone Man's Travel To Perfect Skin


Posted : 10/10/2013 10:48 pm


Seems like there's a million different ways to get rid of acne. As is life on the internet, I suppose.


I started getting acne around the age of 14. At first it was just a pimple here and there - no big deal. By the time I hit 15 puberty was in full swing, and acne progressively got worse and worse. A couple months after I hit 18 and went to college, the acne went away. Nothing really changed in my practices - so I thought, horray, teen acne is gone! Well, after 3 months of being clear it came back full force.

I've tried many things under the sun. The Regimen. Holistic diets. Supplements. Healthy Living. But I'm ready to try more, and more, until I can finally beat my acne.

My acne is located primarily on my cheeks and on the outside of my eyes, and is moderate in the amount. My whole face has this sunburnt appearance on it regardless of if I'm treating it or not - probably from the irritations caused from acne in addition to my acne scars.

I'm going to try a whole host of experiments to rid my skin of acne. I'll spend 6 weeks on a trial in order to allow for supple time and results. I'm only going to change a few variables in order to weed out the cause of my acne.

Starting point - holistic health.

I'm following this set plan as a control:



8am - Cream Cheese Pancakes, Chia/Blackberry/Liquid Vitamin Smoothie

12pm - Shrimp Satay

6pm - Roast beef with Mozzarella Cheese, Onions, and Tomatoes, plus a spinach salad with olive oil

Eating in this way to bulk for bodybuilding. I eat the same foods day in and day out, with very little disparity.






I am starting to become a polyphasic sleeper. It is supposed to aid in hormone functioning. I am also going to completely block out any external light sources so that the only light I receive is that either by candle or by sunlight, which is also supposed to aid in hormone functioning and regulation.

Skin treatments: none.

I am going to treat my skin with absolutely nothing. The whole point of the control is this, plus I don't have any money.

I will follow this for the next 6 weeks, reporting on my progress and how well I am keeping up with this each day. Thanks for reading. Perfect skin awaits!
