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The 10 Year Experiment


Posted : 05/20/2013 1:36 am

Here we go; I am a 27 female and have had acne for about 10 years now. I've used proactiv, Dan's regimen, antibiotics, retina, OTC products, natural products, esthetician grade products, chemical peels, blue-light treatment, microdermabrasion, changed my diet, exercise, and changed my makeup.

Now, I must say that my skin is a lot better than it used to be. But it still isn't as good as I want it to be. I have times when my skin looks and feels really bad, sometimes when it's looks bad, and once in a blue moon it will be completely clear. So, essentially this log is like a personal diary that I will use to keep tabs on what products I'm using, foods I'm eating, and how my skin reacts to them. And hopefully I can get completely clear.

Right now, I am researching internal reasons for acne.

This is an interesting and new article on the causes of acne:

It lists a great study on the correlation between high GI/high dairy diet and acne:

A list of the most common high gi foods:

  • For one serving of a food, a GL greater than 20 is considered high, a GL of 11-19 is considered medium, and a GL of 10 or less is considered low.

Here is another one that list the top 5 reasons for acne: Summary below.


1. Diet. Solution: juicing everyday

2. Hormones. Solution: Prenatal Vitamins

3. Bacterial Infection. Solution: Blue LED light

4. Stress Solution: Daily Vitamin B complex

5. Cosmetics Solution: natural/organic ingredients, * clean applicators daily w/ alcohol

I'm on step one neutral.gif

Food Log:

Chobani Greek yogurt with organic granola mix

Organic Cereal with soy milk

Organic Apple

Prenatal Vitamin

Chopped Brisket (no bun)

Organic Green Beans and Carrots

Antioxidant Yogi tea w/ 1 tsp. Organic Honey

Organic Slit Pea Soup

Orangic Snackimals Crackers

1/2 Sprite



PCA Facial Wash

Dickson's Witch Hazel

PCA Pigment Gel

PCA C-Strengthening 15%

PCA Brightening Therapy

PCA ClearSkin Lotion

PCA ReBalance

PCA EyeExcellence


Facial Wash

Dickson's Witch Hazel

Intensive Clarity Treatment: .5% pure retinol



ClearSkin Lotion


S.A. 2% spot treat

I decided to attach photos of myself because often I will look back on photos and think "man I looked great in the photo" but remember feeling horrible about myself. Maybe photos will put things in perspective for me.




Posted : 05/21/2013 12:03 am

Today was a rough day. I woke up and saw my skin in the mirror and wanted to start crying. I had about 30 tiny tiny whiteheads all over my face. I washed and exfoliated with just a warm towel and then put my makeup on. Then I started crying. I never cry so this leads me to believe I'm close to my menstrual cycle. Anyways, my makeup looked terrible. My skin was bumpy, dry, flaky, my makeup didn't cover up all the redness.

I just cried and contemplated calling into work. And cried some more. And then I put more makeup on. And keep putting it on until I felt half-decent and confident enough to walk out the door. Ah, the woes of acne...

Today's Research: Great Resource for Low GI diet

Today's Stress Relief: Oddly enough, Work.

Today's Food:

2 c Coffee with French Vanilla Creamer (diary)

Organic Multigrain Instant Oatmeal

Yoga Blueberry Slim Tea w/ 1 Stevia packet

Organic Chicken breast in corn tortilla topped with organic home-made salsa (avocado/tomatoes/lemon/cilantro)

Bush's beans


2 c Antioxidant Yogi Tea w/ 2 packets of Stevia

Organic Broccoli, Carrots, Green Beans

Organic Watermelon

Organic nut mix

Handful of cheezits ermm.gif

  • I'm still working on the diet. It's hard not eating breads. My favorite thing the world is a hot coffee with a bagel and cream cheese in the morning. Right now, I'm cutting white bread completely out of my diet. I already don't drink any milk/ I drink soy only.
  • I'm also trying to eat veggies at least once a day. When I get paid, i will be shopping for veggies and fruits to make green smoothies.
  • I am also trying to minimize processed foods, which is very hard because I love the convenience of ready made meals.

SkinCare: AM:

PCA Facial Wash

Dickson's Witch Hazel

PCA Pigment Gel

PCA Brightening Therapy

PCA ClearSkin Lotion

PCA ReBalance

PCA EyeExcellence

Facial Wash

Dickson's Witch Hazel

PCA Purify mask(scrub)


ClearSkin Lotion


S.A. 2% spot treat (minimal as my skin is recovering from the horrible breakout this morning)


Posted : 05/21/2013 8:53 pm

I know what you're feeling when it comes to trying to put makeup on over acne. :( I can never really get it to cover well enough, and the area around it is always flaky, so I'll try to gently brush away the flakes and STILL manage to wipe off some of the makeup and then i have to redo it. It turns into such a stressful thing, I've ended up crying too. You're not alone, i promise ;o;


Posted : 05/21/2013 10:57 pm

I know what you're feeling when it comes to trying to put makeup on over acne. sad.png I can never really get it to cover well enough, and the area around it is always flaky, so I'll try to gently brush away the flakes and STILL manage to wipe off some of the makeup and then i have to redo it. It turns into such a stressful thing, I've ended up crying too. You're not alone, i promise ;o;

Thanks. It's harder some days than others, but it's nice to know I'm not alone.


Posted : 05/21/2013 11:51 pm

Today, was better than yesterday. My face still looks jacked up, but it's not as bad.

Today's reserach:

Dan said he tried this and it helped: "I decided to go half of what the guy who saw results used and I've been using 50mg of the zinc and 200mcg of the chromium, split into 2 daily dosages of 25mg zinc and 100mcg chromium. Since cashews have lots of copper I've been snackin' on those from time to time too." I will be trying this although I hate HATE taking pills.

Food Log:Today's Food was no bueno doubt.gif I haven't gone shopping....

Organic Instant Oatmeal (maple and brown sugar) w/ organic nut mix

2 c Coffee with french vanilla creamer (which I learned is non-dairy! Awesome!)

White spaghetti noodles(high GI) w/ lean turkey meat and canned spaghetti sauce

Root Beer

A lot of cheezits!

Organic Banana w organic chocolate/peanut butter

1c of Organic Watermelon

2c of Antioxidant Yogi Tea w/ 2 packets of Stevia

Wash with PCA Facial Wash

Exfoliated with warm towel

Dickson's Witch Hazel


Facial Wash

Dickson's Witch Hazel

Intensive Clarity Treatment: .5% pure retinol



ReBalance Lotion

S.A. 2% spot treat

Need to drink more water! I drink about 4-6 cups a day but I need to drink at least 8....I wonder if I include tea and coffee in my water intake..






Posted : 05/23/2013 2:20 am

Today's felt much better and calmer and dare I say even a little happy!


Organic Puff cereal

Soy Milk


2c Antioxidant Tea w/ 2 packets of Stevia

Two Sprout's brand veggie patties

Organic ketchup

Salad (spinach, tomatoes, carrots

1 large organic Mango


8c water


PCA Face Wash

Witch Hazel

PCA A&C Synergy Serum

PCA ClearSkin

PCA ReBalance

PCA EyeExcellence



Pigment Gel

PCA Brightening therapy

PCA ClearSkin

PCA ReBalance

PCA EyeExcellence

PCA S.A. 2% Spot Treat

Food goal right now: Drink 8 c water daily, eat majority of vegtables and fruit.

I'm not sure if I want to follow a low GI diet or the paleo diet; they conflict each other.

So for now I am going to try to eat minimal dairy and minimal grains. But I know I need to start experimenting and eliminating things in order to get clear.






Posted : 05/23/2013 7:35 pm

Today's Research:

Video on top 5 foods for beautiful skin:

1. Grapefruit

2. Sweet Potatoes

3. Almonds (handful a day)


5. Salmon (2x a week)

Anti-angiogenic foods:

a. Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Red Grapes, Oranges and Grapefruit, Lemons, Apples, Pineapples, Cherries

b. Red Wine, Green Tea

c. Lavender, Parsley, Garlic, Nutmeg, Licorice, Turmeric

d. Pumpkin, Boy Choy, kale, soy beans, artichoke, maitake mushroom, tomato,

e. Dark chocolate, sea cucumber, tuna, ginseng, olive oil, grape seed oil

Anti-inflammatory foods:

Good for you:

1. Wild Alaskan Salmon

2. Kelp

3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

4. Cruciferous Vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, cauliflower

5. Blueberries

6. Turmeric

7. Ginger

8. Garlic

9. Green Tea

10.Sweet Potato

Bad for you:

1. Sugar

2. Common cooking oils

3. Trans Fat

4. Dairy

5. Fed-lot Raised Meat

6. Red and Processed Meat

7. Alcohol

8. Refined Grains (white rice, white flour, white bread, pasta, pastries...)

9. Artificial Food Additives (Aspartame and MSG)

10.Fill in the blank (Sometimes, you may develop an allergy to a food and not even know it.)

Food Log: Still haven't gone shopping so I had to work with what I had

Oatmeal w/ organic nut mix

Organic Apple

Asada with pinto beans

1 tortilla sad.png

2c Ginger Peach Tea w/ 2 packets Stevia


Organic Frozen dinner (chicken and pai thai)


SkinCare AM:

Target Brand S.A. blackhead eraser wash

Dickson's Witch hazel


Target Brand S.A. blackhead eraser wash

dickson's witch hazel


A&C Synergy Serum

PCA C-Strengthening 15%


ClearSkin Lotion






Posted : 05/25/2013 5:50 pm

Yesterday I did pretty bad on diet and my skin reacted, on the other hand I went out and had a good time!

Food Log:

Oatmeal (flax seed)

2 c coffee with soy and 2 Stevia

Sushi wrapped in rice paper not rice

Sake, Wine, more wine!

1/2 burger including bun

Spinach Artichoke dip with chips

Wash with target blackhead easer

Dickson's witch hazel

Spot treatment 2% S.A.

ClearSkin Lotion








Posted : 05/25/2013 6:57 pm

Great Juice Recipes for Acne:

Going to go shopping for a weeks worth, the plan is to add 1 juice a day while limiting grains and dairy. I decided to try the low GI diet since it's less restrictive than the Paleo Diet. I will try this for a month and see how my skin reacts...


Posted : 05/26/2013 11:12 pm

I'd been feeling bad about myself the past 2 day, but today as I was getting ready to go grocery shopping, I only put on a small amount of makeup, and I look good. I've been told that before: I look prettier with less makeup.

I went grocery shopping today and got enough veggies & fruits to make 8 juices and also food for the week (salmon, extra veggies, nuts, chicken breast) All together, it cost $100. I don't think I could afford that every week, but if I only bought what was on sale, I think I could afford it.

I see I've gotten over 300 views, so I wanted to add that years ago my derm prescribed me Bactrim (along with retin-a) and my skin cleared up in about a month. I stopped taking the bactrim prematurely, but continued the retin-a and my acne came back. I'm not sure my skin would have stayed clear if I would have taken the whole course though. I strongly believe, diet has a major role to play in acne. I take very good care of my skin, I use quality skincare, I use clean pillow cases nightly, clean towels daily, clean makeup brushes, I've been getting facials and microdermabrasion for years now, and my skin still isn't clear. Diet is the only thing left! I just thought I'd add Bactrim cleared me up in case anyone wants to jump start their process to clear skin.

I studied psychology of health in college, and I remember my professor citing article after article about the benefits of a mostly vegetable and lean protein diet. One article about a remote village somewhere, said the number of people who had cancer for any of the other top 10 deadly diseases found in the U.S. was almost zero. They lived off fishing and vegetable/fruit plants.

Speaking of cancer.....I remember a shocking article that stated cancer patients had completely gotten rid of their cancer by adopting a vegetarian diet.

So, if a healthy diet can get rid of cancer, a deadly disease, than surely it can get rid of a few bumps on my face!

Manta of day: Focus on confidence, opportunity, solutions, optimism, and success!

Research of the day: Bactrim is a very intense antibiotic, so I looked up natural antibiotics. I got raw honey and I'll be using that instead of sugar in my tea .

Food Log:

Salad (spinach, pecans, strawberries, feta cheese, sauce made by the organic store)

Two chicken dogs with organic ketchup with breading

Handful of Almonds

Handful of trail mix ( chocolate buttons, various nuts)

Three Chocolate chips with pecan cookies


Posted : 05/27/2013 3:58 pm

FML!!!!! I woke up with a patch of small whiteheads on my forehead and on the right side of my cheek!!! Again. And just yesterday I was feeling great about myself. This is the roller coaster called acne.

Their are a few things I'm thinking might have lead to this breakout.

Simple Lotion I put on last night. My skin feels over dry after using products so i got the simple brand moisturizer, the replenishing one. It's thick and makes my skin feel wonderful, but that's suspect #1 right now.

Also, I've been eating crappy the past two days. I had spaghetti o's with a slice of whole wheat bread the day before last, no veggies the whole day.

Then yesterday, I ate organic chocolate chip cookies with pecans and two hot dogs (chicken dogs) from the organic store with the bread on it. So maybe bread is the culprit. Yesterday was the first day I ate bread since starting this thread.


This is how I feel right now. The good news is that these kinds of breakouts usually go away quickly so hopefully I'll be looking a OK in a few days........and I started my menstrual today Wonderful!

Today's my first juice day: EXCITED!!

Food Log:

2 Coffee w/ stevia, soy milk

Oatmeal (strawberries & blackberries & organic nutmix)

Juice: Clear Up Cheer Up

2 large carrots (tops and tails removed)

1 cup of spinach (or kale)

apple (cored)

1 celery stalk

1 cup of broccoli florets

Ginger Salmon with veggies & brown rice

2 merlot

2 c women's tea w/ tsp. honey


S.A. 2% spot treat

Hyper pigmentation Gel

Brightening Therapy




Posted : 05/27/2013 7:39 pm

I you think your putting to much chemicals on your face, Thus causing irritation.


Posted : 05/27/2013 11:58 pm

thank you naked smurf, I've been told that before. I just don't know of an adequate skin regimen that would cleanse, tone, moisturize, and treat breakouts; I will look through threads though. Any suggestions?


Posted : 05/31/2013 3:01 am

OK, so I purchases raw unrefined coconut oil and let me tell you it is AWESOME!! I have oily, thick, and congested skin so those that think oil will mess you skin up even more don't be deterred from trying this. I've been using it for about 3 days and my skin is beginning to look soft and smooth like normal people's skin. Here is a link of 101 ways to use coconut oil; check out #4, #10, #25, #51, #58 all about the skin.


I've been eating like crap lately, I blame my hormones! Haha, well it's more like I eat one really good meal (lots of veggies) then I'll eat a bad meal (fried foods, breads, fast food) I guess I didn't notice how bad I ate till starting this log. The good thing is I'm making a conscious effort to get veggies and fruits everyday. It's hard!! But I'm trying ...

Omelet (1/2 egg whites)

Green Mix (spinach & romaine)

Tri peppers

organic turkey



1 coffee with stevia

Turkey & Cheese Sandwich on wheat

Green Mix

Tortilla Chips with salsa

Whataburger (chicken melt)


Chocolate Shake (sooo bad, but soooo good!)

2 c women's tea with honey


Alba Botanical Gentle Acne Wash w/ Clarasonic

Dickinson's Witch Hazel

Coconut Oil







Posted : 05/31/2013 3:49 am

Congrats!! Your skin is looking great! love your log!
