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Cigarette Smoke And Red Skin - A Link?


Posted : 03/28/2013 2:49 pm

Hi guys,

I was wondering if someone had any information about maybe if there's a link between cigarette smoke and random breakouts?

Now, the reason I pose this question, is because since I've moved to France 6 months ago, I've broke out with these large red patches of skin always around my mouth,4 times now. They are very stubborn to fade, look fucking aweful and can sometimes feel quite rough. Coincidentally I've been living in a house with 4 people who all smoke ( I've never smoked in my life) and the only occurrences of said skin problem has been since being in this house.

Does cigarette smoke cause these problem any chance? (If you trawl through my posts, i've made a thread already of this problem with picture)


Posted : 03/29/2013 11:17 am

I think it depends on the person but it definitely could be whats causing you such problems. I have a friend who smokes very infrequently but whenever she does she will always break out afterwards (nothing major but it always happens), on the other hand I have other friends who smoke like chimneys and have crystal clear skin.

I am a smoker myself and have never noticed any change in my acne or red marks. Having said that though I do smoke outside, it may be different inside where the smoke will linger for longer. Getting the people you live with to smoke outside would probably help you, although I don't think they would be too pleased lol.gif


Posted : 03/29/2013 2:21 pm

Thanks for the reply :)

Yeah, unfortunately I don't think it would be possible to tell everyone to piss off because I have shit skin :P sometimes if i'm in their presence then they'll go outside because they know I don't smoke and I don't like it. But if I'm upstairs for example,

Does anyone know if there's anything biological that might actually make this link I fabricated true? Like, does cigarette smoke wear down or damage the skin, making it vulnerable to such problems?


Posted : 03/29/2013 6:29 pm

Thanks for the reply smile.png

Yeah, unfortunately I don't think it would be possible to tell everyone to piss off because I have shit skin tongue.png sometimes if i'm in their presence then they'll go outside because they know I don't smoke and I don't like it. But if I'm upstairs for example,

Does anyone know if there's anything biological that might actually make this link I fabricated true? Like, does cigarette smoke wear down or damage the skin, making it vulnerable to such problems?

There was a study which showed 42% of smokers suffered from acne. High % to be frank but fails to explain why 58% of smokers don't suffer from acne.


Posted : 03/31/2013 1:07 pm

Thanks for the reply smile.png

Yeah, unfortunately I don't think it would be possible to tell everyone to piss off because I have shit skin tongue.png sometimes if i'm in their presence then they'll go outside because they know I don't smoke and I don't like it. But if I'm upstairs for example,

Does anyone know if there's anything biological that might actually make this link I fabricated true? Like, does cigarette smoke wear down or damage the skin, making it vulnerable to such problems?

There was a study which showed 42% of smokers suffered from acne. High % to be frank but fails to explain why 58% of smokers don't suffer from acne.

Maybe cuz people with acne stress & decide to smoke to relieve stress?


Posted : 03/31/2013 1:19 pm

I was kind of hoping to get answers about redness in skin, and developing rough patches because of cigarette smoke, not acne itself.

being a long term sufferer of regular acne I'm not to bothered about finding a link between that and cigarette. But thanks nonetheless.
