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Accutane And Makeup!?


Posted : 07/02/2015 1:18 am

I'm 18 and have struggled with acne for 7 years and currently my acne is quite severe. The majority of my acne is on the lower half of my cheeks, chin, jawline and neck. I have tried countless antibiotics, topical treatments and over the counter products and although they helped a little, my acne never completely went away. I was advised on numerous occasions by doctors to go on accutane however I was opposed to it due to the side effects and saw it as my absolute last resort. Now that i'm 18 and still struggle with acne, I have decided to see my derm and finally go on accutane. The dilemma I have is that I wear makeup when I go out (I avoid wearing it when i'm just at home) and will soon be undertaking a makeup artistry course (whereby myself and others will be applying make up on me) so I am concerned that accutane will interfere with my skin too much and prevent me from wearing makeup. I know that accutane will make my skin extremely dry so I was wondering if any girls out there could help me and tell me there experience with makeup and accutane....


I have experienced very dry skin a number of times from using 10% benzoyl peroxide and have been able to manage that by using lots of moisturiser and applying a primer before using foundation so was wondering whether the dryness from benzoyl peroxide can be compared to the dryness I will experience on accutane?

Will I still be able to wear makeup if I use a lot of moisturiser and lip balm to counteract the dryness? Or will my skin be too dry and flakey and make my makeup look bad and cakey?


Posted : 08/12/2015 6:40 pm

Dry skin doesn't happen to everyone. I'm 20 days into 40mg at 63kg and the moisturizer has been able to keep it at bay just fine! Also, I think makeup artists are supposed to be able to work with all skin types! You'll just add a different type of experience to the course. Hold your head high and explain your situation. We need makeup artists to be able to work on us, too. :)
