Acne returning 18 m...
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Acne returning 18 months after Roaccutane


Posted : 11/27/2016 4:29 pm


I did a 6 month course of Roaccutane in 2015 and all my acne and scars cleared up beautifully and I had never been so happy and confident as I have been back then.
Roll on 18 months and my acne is returning and I am sad, unconfident and starting to realise at 28 years old is this what I'm just going to have to deal with??

Has anyone had to have a second treatment of Roaccutane and has it worked permanently or did the acne return again??

Need some answers and help!



Posted : 11/27/2016 6:16 pm

Yep, I'm 35 now, I've done a second treatment and it kept acne at bay for around 10 years. I still had to use acne cleansers to keep away acne but the acne was minor and never enough to scar. Then after 10 years it started coming back and started leaving scars again, I tried a million different treatments giving each a good 3 months to really make sure that it wasn't working. In hindsight I wish I'd have just gone back on isotretinoin again then I would've had less scarring.

So no, it wasn't permanent for me. I'm actually on a third course now, thankfully a low dose of 20-30mg keeps it away so the side effects are minimal. There's research out there that says you don't always need to do the high dose stuff to get good results. My doctor says that if my acne starts coming back after this third course then I can go on a low dose regimen for shorter periods of time. I guess for me this is a life-long thing, I just hope that the period in between being clear and the acne coming back is long enough for my body to not get too screwed up. I get blood tests to make sure the liver and cholesterol are at normal levels.

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