Help acne is drivin...
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Help acne is driving me nuts


Posted : 10/05/2016 11:23 am

Hi everyone I'm new here came across this website after looking for help or treatments for my acne. I'm 25 years old and never had acne this severe even in my teenage years. It all started about close to two years ago when I realized I started having cystic acne leaving me scars even if I wasn't picking at it, i got to see my grandmothers dermatologist and told me I have acne stage 2, he prescribed me to medications  ( benzaclin, and Biacna )I've been using them for close to a year and it hasn't don't anything I still seem to be getting puss filled pimples. I was my face daily with cetaphil. I was on birth control for the past 10 years and ive recently stoped taking it and I'm now scared that my acne will get worst.  I use make up daily to try and cover most it up or else I won't  leave my house but I am swear of makeup not being the best for pimples either.. could some one please me a girl out  either if it's product tips or tricks or even best makeup for coverage 




Posted : 10/06/2016 8:47 am

Hey! I think you should schedule a follow-up appointment with the derm ASAP. Usually when they start you on a treatment, they like you to come back in a few months to see how it's working. So, if you've been using those medications for a year now and they aren't working it's definitely time to go back. You should also tell the derm that you have recently stopped taking birth control, because that can certainly have an effect on your skin. He/she can get you on a new treatment plan early on.

As for make-up, there are a lot of good ones out there and the kind you get depends more on your skin type (dry, oily, combo). Just make sure you are using make-up that is oil-free & non-comedogenic. Also, make sure you are taking it all completely off at the end of the day with a make-up wipe/remover before you wash your face. Sometimes gentle cleansers don't fully get it all.

I like to mix a BB cream with my foundation because I personally find that it applies nicer and looks more natural that way. I also like using a damp beauty blender to apply everything (foundation, concealer and powder). I find that it gives me the most natural look and helps everything set in easier. I use a brush for blush/bronzer though.
