Cystic Pimples...he...
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Posted : 12/05/2014 9:59 pm

I recently got a cystic pimple on my forehead, it is so red and awful. I got it like four days ago and I will say it was much worse the first couple days because there was a bump underneath the" pimple " , I literally looked like I smashed my forehead and swelled up. That is gone now, but now it looks like what a normal cystic pimple looks like I guess, if you know what one looks like.


I'm still nervous about it, it's super red and noticeable, and still slightly painful when I'm not touching it. I tried to squeeze it out, I know Super bad of me I shouldnt have, and I think it made it worse in some aspects...

I have been putting hydrogen peroxide on it, I put vapor rub on it as Well. I'm not sure if it's helping at all. And now there is another small cyst underneath this one!!! Grrr. I think it's because all the pus can't get to to the original one.

How do I get rid of these??? And how long do they last??? It's awful and embarrassing.


Posted : 12/11/2014 8:55 am

Whenever I get cystic acne it normally takes me two to three weeks for it to clear up. It normally always leaves a scar though and those take longer to go away.


Posted : 12/14/2014 7:26 pm

Twice a day swab the cyst with alcohol and apply a warm compress. Wait until there is a whitehead on it (couple of days) and then use a sterile needle (in alcohol) to prick the whitehead. GENTLY press down on the side of the cyst with the edge of a tweezer or cotton swab to release the pus. If it doesn't come to a head then just do the compresses. After doing a compress gently pat dry and apply a low dosage of benzoyl peroxide cream. Take a tylenol, etc for the pain. Drink tons of water to help lower inflammation.

Don't use hydrogen peroxide or vick's vapor rub on cysts. They are both too irritating. If you're getting cysts like this you need to be under the care of a dermatologist before you get too much scarring. I have horrid cysts for years and years. I am clear now but I do a multi-prong treatment (see signature below) that was developed by my derm. It is for people with sensitive skin but it still worked on my chronic resistant cystic acne.
