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Posted : 06/01/2013 4:45 pm

I am 42 female with the most horrific cystic, homonal ance I have ever had...I did not have ance on face like this ever. I have been on new regime and it was working too not...I cant go out or even be among ppl bc of my face. I am social worker and I have to meet with the public daily. when at work I use a low light and look down when ppl come to visit with me. I have been plaugued with this for 3 mnths. and i cant even go out with friends. My neck hurts from looking down. I avoid being around anyone and NOW I am going crazy but I look in the mirror and I look hideous. A monster. I had 5 cysts that left HUGE scars within a 2 mth period and I cant even get the recent flare-up down to address the scarring. I suffer from depression and anxiety. I have been exercising at least 4 times a week to help with the stress and to unleash the overwhelming feeling of being trapped in my home. Since this has occurred I have tried to avoid mirrors or looking at my face with the excepation of appliying thick amounts of make-up so I can just meet with my caselaod. However, I find this beyond insane. I am the swker that needs a swker. I cant function like this its very depressing having nothing to look foward too. I cant date or even go out with friends as this alarming to anyone who sees it. I cant try and get a man loooking like this. SO the depression and anxiety gets WORSE. I am seeing a new skin dr and the meds were working but of this week it went backwards. The purple and red marks are getting larger and I cant take it anylonger. I am taking batcrim and the hbp med and waiting, I take medication for my depression and anxiety as well.I feel the ance is onlt make these issues worse. Does anyone have any advise or just words or widsom. I feel very alone and really hopeless.


Posted : 06/01/2013 6:18 pm

If it helps I will tell you my experience cause I had huge cysts on my jaw and neck 3 times in my life. The first time was after high school,the second time was after a miscarraige and the 3rd time was after a huge amount of stress and finding out I had food allergies. What works for me is sticking with benzyol peroixde at night only,using non pore clogging moisturizer and sunscreen if needed,I only use bare minerals or sheer cover and I highly reccomend sheer cover for coverage and it helps heal acne,and finding out your allergies. Through testing I know I am allergic to wheat,rye,and barley aka celiac disease,dairy products,and eggs. I found when I stopped using milk and other products from dairy cows my acne really cleared up. I know soy products cause acne for some people too. Through trial and error I know I cannot use lotions with shea butter as they cause hives,and virgin coconut oil causes huge cyst on my skin. I know when I take any form of pain killer it causes pimples so it may be worth asking your doctor or researching yourself if your medication may be causing pimples. I know it's hard,but when I found substitues for dairy like almond milk or rice milk and if I stick to more meditteranean or paleo diet my acne is under control. I hope you find hope in this as I am 35 and have gone thru what you talk about, but with patience,and research I got control of my acne and now have clear skin. I still struggle with finding a sunscreen and find even the chemical ones that say breakout free cause breakouts. Right now I am using olay complete for sensitive skin mixed with 2 drops of jojoba oil or Dan's moisturizer and it works.

Good luck in your journey to clear skin and ask me anything, anytime.

P.S I only use the powder in sheer cover cause the concealor gets cakey and it surprises me how good it covers.

p.p.S It might be worth researching omega 3s for depression, you might be surprised how well food works as medicine. I'm not a doctor but I have seen results for some people.


Posted : 06/25/2013 11:24 pm

Hey, I hope things have gotten better since you last posted. I too have been plagued with awful cystic acne (as well as annoying regular pimples) for years. And I have a job that requires me to interact with a lot of people, too. The fact that it is cystic tells me that there is something wrong internally. Yes, finding a good topical can help, but we have to identify the cause(s) of the imbalances and inflammation in the first place. In my case, I had an endo who was smart enough to do a saliva test, which revealed gluten intolerance and adrenal fatigue. The adrenal fatigue is significant because my cortisol levels are pretty much opposite of what they should be- too low in the morning, too high at night. Could adrenal fatigue be a possibility for you? I recommend checking out James Wilson's book, Adrenal Fatigue. I am currently taking a B complex daily, as well as some other supplements: Adrenaven, Nucleoimmune, and Green Tea ND. Also consider raspberry leaf tea to help with your hormones. As for topicals, I like Collective Wellbeing cleansers, DIY scrubs made with raw honey and baking soda, and Peter Thomas Roth's Unwrinkle Pads. I am not that worried about wrinkles, mainly skin tone and texture. I would give some of these items a try, I think they are helping me. Keep it up with the exercise, too. Trust me when I say that I KNOW THE PAIN. This has been my reality for over a decade. But you can overcome this! For a really interesting and eye-opening read, check out Dr. Grosbart's e-book Skin Deep. It may reveal a reason behind your cysts. Good luck! smile.png


Posted : 06/28/2013 10:05 pm

ANNA! I have been there as well, believe me. Unable to look in the mirror. Disfigured. Calling myself a monster. I've had strangers stop me on the street and say, "What happened to your face?" I cried all the time and contemplated suicide. My heart goes out to you and your suffering and I hope, since your post, you are doing better.

My worst episode was 15 years ago. I still have occasional bouts with severe cystic acne (including a bad one right now) and I have looked into EVERYTHING. Honestly, ive been on every diet, tried every supplement, had every part of my body chemistry and function analyzed. Ive treated for allergies, parasites, etc., etc., etc. I've also permanently given up gluten which has helped my intestines and sinuses, but not my skin. I feel like ive tried everything although I know that is not true and I'm always open to new things because I believe that sooner or later, i will resolve this once and for all. I believe acne is a disease and for me it is definitely hormone-related.

I'll cut to the chase. You can mess around with a lot of things but there is nothing that works like accutane. I would recommend that you try it. It's a miracle but it is NOT easy to take. If you want to try some other things first, you should!

I also had huge success with a birth control pill called Lo Loesterine Fe. It was INCREDIBLY effective (to the point where, for MONTHS, I was SEARCHING my face for a zit that was not there) but then it stopped working after a year or two.

HANG IN THERE and don't give up. You are here for a reason and you are going through this for a reason and what does not kill you makes you stronger. God Speed.
