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The Family Zit


Posted : 01/03/2013 6:27 pm

Ok, I have wanted to ask about this for years, but never have.....


For whatever reason, my mother's side of the family seems to have a genetic zit....... both my mother and her sister had one single one which was right dead center of their back. They had it from the time they were teens/early adults till the time they died. Despite popping it or whatever, it never went away. If I remember correctly, their mom had it too.


As for me, I have it as well, but instead of it being in the center of the back, it's dead center on my breast bone. No amount of squeezing and cleaning it out ever gets rid of it. To be more technically correct, it actually looks like a blackhead. It never gets red or irritated. However, it re-fills within a week or so of cleaning it out.


I guess I am lucky.... mine is fairly small compared to theirs, and is within reach. Theirs, on the otherhand, were much larger and would really fill up. It was really gross. I won't even go into details.


I am just wondering how it is that something like that can be genetic. I am even more curious as to how the heck to get rid of it??? Like I said, mine is almost unnoticeable, so as far as that goes, it doesn't bother me. I am just tired of it being there and always having to deal with it.


Anyone ever heard of anything such as this? I tried googling it but all I that comes up is stupid irrelevant stuff.




Posted : 01/04/2013 7:27 pm

Have you looked up keratosis pilaris?


Posted : 01/07/2013 8:03 pm

Just did. That is definitely not it. It's not a series of bumps. It is just one single blackhead........
