Acne & Breastfeedin...
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Acne & Breastfeeding


Posted : 11/30/2012 2:35 am

I have always had acne-prone skin.. when I got pregnant, it was BEAUTIFUL. Now my son is 6 months old and since my menstrual cycle returned, I've been getting frequent breakouts.


I usually use Cetaphyl cleanser and Sea Breeze toner at night.. and sometimes Clean & Clear spot treatment.


What is best for hormonal acne? I eat healthy.. s

Should I cut out dairy and pasta/bread?


Thanks in advance.


Posted : 11/30/2012 9:35 am

Hey there. Did you get your period after you stopped breastfeeding, or are you still? I'm 4.5 months postpartum and breastfeeding (no period yet). Unfortunately I broke out like crazy the first half of pregnancy but third trimester I was sooo clear. I couldn't have gotten a pimple if I tried! Stupid me thinking oh, I'm over acne. Of course it was a temporary hormonal reprieve. About 2 months postpartum I started breaking out again and then it started getting worse. I'm on antibiotics (keflex is safe with BFing) now so it's under control, but I'm looking forward to stopping breastfeeding so I can explore better options. Anyway, I think the reason why pregnance gets some people clear is because estrogen becomes dominant. This all changes after birth and when you are breast feeding I've read that estrogen can drop even further. I don't have any great advice since I"m dealing with this myself, but I have an appointment with an endicronologist on Wednesday and can let you know what he says. I think a lot of people here will advocate for changing diet. Maybe this helps maybe it doesn't. I generally think it's pretty tough to manipulate your hormones through diet alone.


Posted : 11/30/2012 10:23 am

I have always had acne-prone skin.. when I got pregnant, it was BEAUTIFUL. Now my son is 6 months old and since my menstrual cycle returned, I've been getting frequent breakouts.

I usually use Cetaphyl cleanser and Sea Breeze toner at night.. and sometimes Clean & Clear spot treatment.

What is best for hormonal acne? I eat healthy.. s

Should I cut out dairy and pasta/bread?

Thanks in advance.


What the Standard American Diet considers "healthy" is seriously flawed. In fact, the food pyramid has been PROVEN to be upside-down. Yes, cut out wheat/gluten, and dairy. If you like, you can consume gluten free grains (though not the best idea) and some organic dairy kefir (its 99% lactose free). The above person says it may be pretty tough to manipulate your hormones through diet alone, but in ONE MONTH of stopping gluten, sugar and dairy- I lessened my monthly flow and did not have any pain. I am someone who normally loses a lot of blood and has chronic (hospital visit) pain. And yes, this is in one month of dieting. It does take time to balance hormones naturally, don't get me wrong, but it is in fact the ONLY way to balance hormones. No medication will ever restore your normal balance. Just food, exercise, sleep, vitamins and certain herbs. You must be strict and take the long, hard, but enjoyable road of self-balancing alone. Best of luck!


Posted : 11/30/2012 3:47 pm

I've been exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months.. my period returned the 3rd month :[ and that's when the breakouts started.


It's mainly my t-zone. I always keep it clean, and only wear makeup like 1-2 times a week.. and that makes it a lot worse!


I'll eliminate the dairy and grains and see what happens. It's gonna be hard, I eat a lot of pasta because it's relatively cheap and filling. But at this point. I'm willing to try anything.


THANK YOU! And glad to see other nursing mamas.. good job!
