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help with bad skin


Posted : 04/08/2010 11:05 pm



ive put posted on here before regarding my bad skin, i dont get loads of spots even tho recently i have had an out break on my neck. the main problem is the tone and texture of my skin. i have alot of large pores on checks and nose and i also have little bumps on checks. there is also alot of hyperpigmentation all over my face. the texture of my skin is very rippled and not smooth. ive been taken minocycline to help with the spots and have recently been appling differin on my face in some vein ettempt to help make my skin smooth. before i used differin i was using green cream, but have stopped that to make way for the differin. the hyperpigmentation wouldnt bother me so much if my face was smooth and had not bumps on it. i also get very very very oily skin, which magnifies all the problems. does anyone have any ideas as to what i can do, or if i shud stick it out with the differin? thanx


Posted : 04/09/2010 10:07 pm

I know this most likely will not help, but can you follow-up with your dermatologist? I assume that is where you got the Differin?


Posted : 04/11/2010 11:28 am

im in a bit of a funny situation at the moment, im currently travelling and so cant go to see the derm, but i got the differin when i was australia. i went to see a local doctor and he gave me the minocycline and the differin. he said that the differin increases skin turn over and will help with making the skin smooth. to be honest it would be great to get rid of the hyperpigmentation, it does make my skin look all blothy and depending what light im in, it'll look worst.


when i get back home (the uk) i will go to the derm, i was thinking of asking the derm about laser/light therpy, maybe that can help.


Posted : 08/28/2013 1:47 pm

I feel like I'm in the exact same situation as you. The way you described your skin, and the light difference.. I am also on a 1 year travel in the moment. I've had very bad acne, but now it's just like yours - hyperpigmentation and just (bad skin) At home I've been following Mike Walden's "acne no more" Ebook. It's a extremely strictly hologic way of treating acne, and it will twist your lifestyle completely if you try it. I would recommend you to look at it once you head back for UK. It changed my life for. 3 months until I went abroad. I'm from Denmark btw. Write me a message if you want to talk about our (apparently) same skin condition.
