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One year off Accutane = Severe Anxiety


Posted : 10/18/2016 11:51 pm

Hello Accutane users future and past,
I have decided to take the time to come back to this forum to issue a simple yet important warning that comes from my experience with the post-accutane stage of my life. I will keep the story short so that it takes up the least time possible but it is important that you heed the warning that I issue.

Accutane worked phenomenally and my acne has cleared up giving me a new outlook on life, encouraging me to partake in physical activity, and change a lot of my social standings. It worked wonders for my skin, but tore apart my head.

While on Accutane I encountered a major skin flush which caused me to become extremely dizzy and nearly pass out. This does not happen to everyone, but it triggered a terrifying thought of death in my mind that still haunts me today. I later came to find the reason for this outbreak came simply because I ate a grapefruit, which has severe interactions with the medication. DO NOT EAT GRAPEFRUIT ON ACCUTANE. The experience literally changed my life.

Following the outbreak, I began to constantly worry about the flushing and heating of my skin. Constantly. Months later I was worrying about my breathing, and even today, my heart. Day in and day out I battle constantly with medical anxiety largely in part because of the side effects of this medication.

Once again I ensure that the medication is an excellent way to cure your acne in every scenario, but make sure you have explored alternatives before jumping right in.

If you have any other questions about my experience with Accutane I would love to discuss them with you! Just comment below.

