Clear all

Roaccutane 23 year old Female 52kg UK - 25mg/day


Posted : 12/01/2015 8:46 am

I have had acne since I was about 18, I began laser hair removal and my acne cleared up, however it was not a permanent thing. I havebeen to my doctor for acne medication since the age of 18 and had been prescribed many anti-biotics such as oxytet, erythromycin, limacycline, duac, differin/adapalene, zineryt etc. but nothing had worked.

I moved away to uni and saw a prescribing nurse near my university accomodation, she put me on dianette however i had gotten so depressed on it i forgot what it was like to be happy but i thought it was all worth it for clear skin. My skin initially cleared up after three months (not perfect but better) and i continued to take it for a year. I was then put on to marvelon and my skin erupted worse than ever, i got many tiny pimples on my forehead inside my skin (milia) and more than ever on my cheeks and chin. I stopped taking marvelon as it wasn't working at all. I was so low and depressed i never used to leave the house, i would sleep all day, i would make excuses not to attend public events like partys, weddings and dinners, i would leave my curtains closed everyday (and still do) because the sunlight magnifies every imperfection.

I moved back home and saw another doctor, I was so insecure and in pieces when i went to see her,she referred me to a dermatologist in april 2015, and i had my first appointment in august 2015 (i had to wait 4 whole months!!). my dermatologist wasn't the friendliest and she gave me trimethroprinwhich didn't work. I went back in November and had to have a blood test and pregnancy test for roaccutane.I have never had acne elsewhere on my body. My derm didn't explain much about roaccutane she just gave me a leaflet and explained it is linked to suicide. She was very unprofessional but i did my research anyway and now I am on day 14 of 25mg/day. I am not seeing much improvement but since taking it i have only had 1 pimple come up (which I squeezed and now it is red scar). I am using coconut oil on my face at night which has helped a lot with previousscarring. my head is very itchy, i don't know if this is common? and my mouth is extremely dry always. i work in a retail store doing delivery so my joints are aching more than ever from lifting heavy boxes everyday whichnever used to bother me before.

I am using this as a diary to keep you updated and although it seems like a myth i look forward to one day having clear skin.

