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Roaccutane Log: Mild/moderate Acne (Photo Progression)


Posted : 07/31/2014 1:03 pm


So, i've decided to make a blog about my experiences with accutane. I'm currently a month in, and i've been on 20mg/day. I've taken the liberty to take a photo of my affected area (chin/mouth) every two days, and i'll hopefully be able to make a progression to show any differences. A few facts about myself.

17 years old, 5ft. 11, Male.

I've been on medications from topical creams, oxytetracyline, and almost any shop-bought product out there. Nothing's worked. I experienced Acne at about 14, after looking after my skin very well. It felt like i was being tortured, you see those people who couldn't give a damn about their skin, and they have nothing. Anyway, i'm currently in 6th form, and i'm hoping to complete roaccutane in February.

I've been in touch with my dermatologist, who wants to go from 20mg -> 40mg -> 80mg -> 60mg and to finish the treatment at 60mg. I'm curious why, and i know there are a lot of people out there who are experienced, any help would be great!

Products being used:

Blistex intense moisturiser (this stuff is incredible).

Aveeno moisturiser.

Rochee posey SPF 30 matte cream.

Side-effects so far: Dry skin - not too bad, i had originally very oily skin, so it's nice being able to combat it easily.

Dry lips - pretty bad to be honest, i'm adjusting still, it doesn't hurt, it's just very unattractive.

Emotional problems: Minimal, however i've sometimes felt unnecessarily upset, however i'm aware this is expected with the treatment. I haven't felt at all aggressive, but experienced times where i've wanted to be alone.

If you'd be interested to hear more about my journey, please let me know, i'm hoping to make posts every 2 weeks or so, with photo's every month!

