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10Mg Roaccutane Log - 23/m


Posted : 05/14/2013 11:24 am

Word to your parent or guardian.

I'm a 23 year old male and after 8 years of battling this debilitating and soul destroying plague, I've taken the plunge to hopefully make some headway. I've tried everything from topicals to antibiotics to peels to diet adjustments, you name it. I've stalked this forum for as long as I can remember and the response and encouragement of the people who inhabit this site is amazing.

My acne has never been severe, it's been consistently moderate since 18 with breaks here and there. I mainly get inflamed pustules around my mouth and chin area that range in size and severity. I'm on a low dose of 10mg daily for this first month to assess the progress of the drug and my health and then my derm will make a decision based off that.

Expecting but praying for a minimal IB. I took my first 10mg with my dinner about an hour ago. Here goes!
