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Starting An Accutane Log


Posted : 11/23/2012 1:44 am

Hey guys,


My name is Chris and I've pretty much struggled with acne since grade 7. Before high school my acne was not severe with mainly black and white heads and maybe the rare zit on my chin and cheeks. I am a notorious picker and I'm guessing that's what eventually developed my acne into deep cystic acne...I had a few courses of antibiotics of the tetracycline group in high school...each worked beautifully until my acne became resistant and I had to start a new one sad.png. At the end of grade twelve I tried minocycline and that was the most effective antibiotic I've ever had. Wow was my skin beautiful after the course. The acne even stayed off until the end of first year uni. I thought my acne was gone until i went to visit China, maybe the environment is different or whatever but a few weeks into my trip I started to break out horribly...I thought it was just a phase but I was wrong and I developed severe cystic acne, the worst I've ever had in my life. I was perscribed creams, retinoid creams, Clindamycin/benzoyl peroxide gel, and I've tried benzoyl peroxide and salicyclic face washes but to no avail.


I was initially against accutane because of all the horrible side effects I read in forums and blogs. But every time I looked in the mirror I'd see what I used to look like without acne and realized i should to give it a go. My acne was affecting my social interactions, my confidence and my life and I wanted my life back.


So I was perscribed 40 mg of Roche Accutane starting on November 13, 2012. My doctor is really against the high dosage for me since I had a cyst in my colon when I was 6 so he wanted to make sure I get the highest dose possible with minimal bowel side effects...I'm gonna be on it for 6 months and he said if necessary, a second course can happen. So far (one week in) I've encountered the dreaded initial breakout. I started breaking out on day 2 but things have subsided so far and everything is just healing with no more breakouts biggrin.png. Who knows, I think there will be more breakouts to come. I really wish I could fast forward time to 6 months from now but I'll just have to wait...


So far no severe side effects. I dont notice any dry skin since i was using 5% benzyol peroxide face wash before accutane and it would look like a battlefield. Now I use Cetaphil cleanser for dry skin. I find moisturizing breaks me out no matter the brand, so far i've yet to moisturize as i have really oily oily that before accutane you can see small beads of oil on my nose. My lips are now chapped but it doesn't bother me cause i get chapped lips every year in winter due to dry air anyways...but this is only the beginning.


Here was me the day my first pill was taken:


This was me on Tuesday the 20th (Week 1). As you can see, the initial breakout has started sad.png Hopefully it all goes away soon!


I want to start a log to keep track of my progress and I'll probably be updating with pics as I go along...If all goes well, hopefully someone else like me will try accutane...


Posted : 11/23/2012 2:22 am

Good luck with your Accutane course mate. I'm similar to you, in the fact that my skin would become resilient to any treatment I tried, and so far I have to say Accutane has been brilliant. Hopefully you'll be clear in no time.


Also how you mentioned you don't normally moisturise, you will probably need to eventually, same with your lips. Your skin could become really dry, due to the fact that your oil glands will stop producing oil while on these tablet (as you've already noticed).


Another bit of advice is try and avoid picking at your acne, not really recommended at the best of times, never mind while on Accutane. I know it's a habit, but try and avoid it if you can.


Lastly glad to hear that you aren't experiencing to many side effects so far.


Posted : 11/23/2012 11:29 am

Good luck! I started about a week before you; my acne wasn't as severe, and mostly localized to my jawline/chin, but I still know how you feel. I think you'll start noticing by the end of the first month how much less oil your skin produces, which is great in my opinion.

I also went on minocycline about a year ago, and thought I was "cured"; stuff came back worse than ever.


Posted : 11/23/2012 12:00 pm

Rock on and keep us updated!


Posted : 12/11/2012 9:34 pm


So its been 4 weeks...and I can honestly say my acne is the worst it has ever been. I knew there was going to be an IB but crap looks like my face got wacked with a bush of poison ivy haha. After reading all the posts online, I'm shocked that as of now, any side effects I've experienced has gone away but then I'm only done my first month. I've not experienced any depression which is good, I actually feel happier now that I started accutane but even though I'm in a better mood, I still feel somewhat uneasy outdoors. Good thing my exams are this month and there is no more school until January.,Hx17w#0,Hx17w#1


Posted : 12/11/2012 9:45 pm

Keep it up, I had the IB as well, and it'll start getting better in time. Good luck on your exams!


Posted : 12/14/2012 1:32 pm

Keep on keepin on man, I know what it's like though your IB sucks you will get better! I hope you see improvement soon. In getting bumped to 40 MSG next month and dreading breaking out again...


Posted : 01/02/2013 12:06 am

Update #2:

Just finished my seventh week. All the active lesions on my cheeks have gone away and I am left with only discoloration. My neck started breaking out about two weeks ago but that's under control now. Any one know how long it will take for the colored spots to go away?


Still almost no side effects so far. I still don't feel the need to moisturize everyday; I think I went 5 days without moisturizing last week and my skin stayed silky smooth. I put lip palm maybe every 3 days? Its incredible, its actually almost as if I'm not taking any medication. No depression either and I can honestly say I am satisfied with the amount of progress so far.


This is me on 01/01/2012 (end of week 7),ET90K#0,ET90K#1


For reference, this was my skin on 04/12/12 (the end of week 3).,LqPfR,LqPfR #1


I'll update again soon!
