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My Journey To Clear Skin!


Posted : 09/19/2013 12:19 am

Hey everyone I finally got "The regimen" this blog might get off topic and all over the place but it's been two days so far that I've been on the regimen using it very precisely according to Dans master plan. So far in the morning I get my timer ready for ten seconds, wash my hands, splash my facemwith luke warm water, lather up two pumps and gently massage barely touching my face I let the foam sink into my skin, rinse and pat dry with clean cloth. I then wait ten mins, wash my hands, then use only a pea size of BP, then wait another ten mins, wash hands and apply two pumps of moisturizer ( I will increase BP weekly) Dan says to try BP once a day for the first couple weeks but I went ahead and applied twice daily but a pea size and I will continue to apply twice daily and increase amount weekly. I want to include that I have officially changed my diet no sweets, no dairy, no fried food (trying to avoid) lots of water and two cups of green tea daily, and I am also taking doxycycline 100mg twice a day. I also use make up on a daily except weekends when i stay home to let my skin breathe but i never wear my make up for more than eight hours a day. So far the regimen has already made my face dry and flaky just two days but no burning or irritation a little itchy but nothing major, bp kind if makes my eyes burn even though I don't put it anywhere near my eyes. Results in two days obviously nothing extreme but I can see a little decrease in big pimples but I feel more has come to the surface with the white pus or whitehead whatever you call it. Well I will be updating weekly along with weekly photos! I hope you all join me on the journey to clear skin. God Bless!


Posted : 09/19/2013 2:57 am

Michelle, I've moved your post to Regimen logs.
