Into Week 2


Posted : 03/12/2013 4:19 pm

I just wanted to log my results because as we all know, we question the side effects we experience and probably wonder at times if this is going to work for us.


The first 4 days weren't too bad I only started with a smallish amount of BP, leave to dry about 20 minutes and apply a heap of QV lotion and Jojoba oil. This is the same thing I am still doing, although continually adjusting the amount of BP I apply depending on how much my skin was or wasn't burning or peeling with the amount of BP I used the day prior.


Ill also let you know that my acne is really only mild. I get blackheads, whiteheads beneath the skin and papules. It never really gets any worse than that. I've had this for about 9 years, I am now 23. And I know that my acne is hormonal. I've got two children and am pregnant at the moment, and my acne really flares up through pregnancy.


Anyway, by the 4th day I was almost in tears as my face literally burned and itched for the entire day after I moisturized. The peeling had begun slightly, but my face was feeling clearer already. Aside from being completely red! A few days later I woke up with a couple of pimples but continued on. I reduced the amount of BP I was using until the burning and itching settled, but I still continued with it.


I am now on day 9, and last night I didn't moisturize because I couldn't bear the thought of another sleepless night due to burning. So I also didn't overdo the BP. My face isn't too dry this morning either. I also applied Clearasil rapid spot cream on 2 pimples lastnight that I felt coming up after the BP had dried. One surfaced by this morning and with a light touch was easy to drain.


Apart from looking like I am sunburnt and flakey, I plan to stick with the regimen because I really have noticed results. I am also using a face wash that contains a small amount of BP cos I find it really gets all my makeup off with a light touch.


It's hard when I'm normally a chronic exfoliter, to not scrub my face. I have gently used a facewasher with jojoba oil to lightly remove flakey skin. REALLY gently. I also still wear makeup cos I am in the beauty industry and love makeup, and also because there's no way I'm leaving the house looking like a lobster...!


My advice for anyone who is thinking of giving it up in these first 2 weeks, just reduce the amount of BP again until your skin can tolerate it again. Still use it twice daily. And I find my moisturizer burns the hell out of my face, but it's worse the more I apply so some days ill only apply a small amount of moisturizer and if its not burning too badly ill add some more.


Posted : 04/04/2013 4:54 pm

I am nearly at the end of the 4th week, I got a bit lazy and was only using the BP at night, was still having a few breakouts but the last week I have been applying BP and once it dries I apply a 1% salicylic acid gel. This combo has made a huge difference. And I also no longer have any redness or burning. I don't apply the full amount of BP, and some days I use it in the morning and night but some days I only use it at night. My skin isn't overly dry, just have some flakiness in areas like my chin crease an around the creases of my nose. I have no active pimples just red marks from previous pimples. It seems like some mornings though that the salicylic acid helps peel the skin off where the marks are.
