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light white bump on chest and shoulder, Steatocystoma Multiplex


Posted : 06/15/2024 2:44 pm

I got lots of these hard white bumps on my chest and shoulder that can not be squeezed (as my attached photo). And I just found the name for them, which is Steatocystoma Multiplex (first I thought Eruptive Vellus Hair Cyst, but EVHC is softer and "butter"). I searched on youtube and saw the video of MrPopZit, they are hard and deep inside the skin, which makes them very hard to be squeezed out, or the salicylic acid to affect them :<<

I also read that some treatment using CO2 fraction, and some use salicylic acid and moist with the hope they will come out someday.

Has anyone can treat them successfully? has anyone use CO2 fraction to treat it?

Please help me with this T.T thanks a lot

This topic was modified 8 months ago by Tihi
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Posted : 06/15/2024 2:56 pm

I found 1 article, they use incision method to get the cyst out


Posted : 06/15/2024 3:03 pm

this article uses CO2 for "perforation", then still need to get the cysts out by hand (if I understand the article right)
