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Back Acne Powerful Treatment Combo


Posted : 12/09/2013 12:21 pm

Hello everyone. This is my first post and I wanted to share some info r.e. a back acne treatment that has worked almost flawlessly for me over the last 2 years. Perhaps it will do the same for others.....I would be surprised if it didn't. My facial acne has always been mild but my back acne was moderate and bothered me for many years before I discovered the following. I do this ONCE per day, regardless if I take more than one shower.

After entering the shower I soak a luffa under the warm water. Then I pour a little acne body wash (over the counter, 2% salicylic acid) on the luffa and work up a good lather. I VERY GENTLY massage my entire back....nothing rigorous here. I let the soap sit there for about 30 seconds while continuing with other hygene. When I get out of the shower I apply some of's AHA+ all over my back. This further exfoliates and moisturizes throughout the day. All together this probably adds and additional 2 minutes to my daily hygene.

This has kept me 98% free of acne on my back for the last 2 years. I have even gone several days without showering when camping. I do this the morning before I leave and have come back from trips without any new pimples popping up down the road. I hope this helps people. Give it a try.
