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My IUD Nightmare!!!


Posted : 07/23/2010 8:39 pm

I had the Mirena IUD inserted about 14-15 months ago after I had my son. This may work for some women and be the best thing, some women may not experience a thing. For me...that was NOT the case. Just want to warn women because no one warned me and the dr.'s don't mention this kind of stuff.


Having the IUD inserted was PURE HELL. I have never hurt so bad and would have much rather had another c-section then have that thing put back in me ever again. For 2 days I was basically hunched over and just flat out miserable from the cramps.


I told myself that it was only temporary and it would pass but def. needed to be done because we don't want another child for a while and I dont trust the pill because I am TERRIBLE at remembering everyday to take it.


Over the last 14 months, I can say that I have not felt like myself at all. Very irritable, ready to jump down anyones throat at any moment, would bust out crying for NO reason. I began to think I was depressed so I spoke with my dr. about it and was put on Cymbalta. That did NOTHING. I just felt like I was in left field most of the time. I am not a sweater AT ALL. I could work out and barely break a sweat. After the IUD was put in, I can not tell you how many shirts I have ruined, and my closet consists of Black and white. Never to dare wear a light color. I changed deoderants countless times and finally went to the dermatologist to be put on a perscription deoderant. I would STILL sweat even after using the Hypercare. I have had a perfect complection my entire life- even in high school, nothing would break me out. Last May, my skin was perfect.... and then I got the IUD and that changed REAL quick. I started to break out starting on my jaw line, and then forehead. I tried every acne wash you can think of, from Pro Activ, to that Nutragena stuff, you name it. Nothing worked. So I make yet another dermatologist appt. and go in to finally take care of my face and figure this out, this was in December. I was put on 2 seperate anti biotics and medicated face wash. THAT didnt do anything. But I stuck with it, and by April-May I had thought I have officially lost my mind. Im taking an anti depressant, medicated deoderant, anti biotics for my FACE, I have a melt down every other day over NOTHING and have a son going to the terrible two stage. LOVELY. I will be typing all day if I keep going about all this lol...




In June I start ITCHING. And when I mean Itching, i mean 24 hours a day 7 days a week, itching. All over. It felt internal. I had reached my breaking point, I was taking benedryl every night just to try to sleep because I would itch in my sleep. I woke up one morning and had a rash on the back of my thighs, down my calves, around my waist, down my arms, my face, my neck, my chest, my scalp, EVERYWHERE. Of course, I freak out, who wouldn't and I still go to work. They wouldn't even let me stay, I had to make a dr. appt right then because we didnt know if i was contagious, or if i adult chicken pox or what the hell was going on with me. But it was an allergic reaction to SOMETHING. So I go to the dr. they tested me for Staph, that came out negative, wasnt chicken pox, we assumed I came in contact with something. So I was put on a triple steroid to try to clear it up, after a week of this steroid stuff, its STILL spreading. By the first part of July, i realize this can not be an allergic reaction, it has to be SOMETHING else. So I randomly get the idea to google about my IUD. And after 2 days of researching the crap out of it, I realized It HAD to be my IUD. There was no way it wasn't, I havent felt good since I had it in, and for some reason I never associated ANY of it with the IUD. I put it off as something else.


By Monday morning, I called my OBGYN and told him I wanted this thing out NOW. I never hesitated to keep it in and try another medication, I knew it was the IUD. They told me that there werent side effects like this from the IUD. I explained how WRONG they were and I need an appointment NOW to remove it, I dont care how much it cost me to get it or what it cost to remove it. GET IT OUT! So within the hour I am there... she told me it would feel like rubber bands popping my insides when they remove it..fine...lets get this show on the road. She removes it and I let out this sigh and she asked if it hurt. I said no, like this pressure from my abdomen has been released that felt so good and from that day I have felt like a new person. I am not MOODY, me and my boyfriend actually have a sex life now! Sex was a chore before, I had no will or want to have sex with him... when I got HOME i wanted to have sex, and he was like uhhh weird. Are you serious? lol. I have so much energy, I have to force my self to go to bed by 11 or so.


Also- I was 140lbs- working out, eatting right, not dropping a pound! Today? I got on the scale, no working out, eatting complete crap. 124lbs.

Other things:


I NEVER had a yeast infection, and within the last year or so had one every month. No joke. I used so much monistat and had to call the dr. for a pill to be called in all the time.


My blatter felt like it hurt, like I had a urinary tract infection or something.


SEX HURT. No other way to put it. And I would bleed for a day or two after we would have sex...


I felt like i was pregnant and could fill little twitches in my abdomen like a baby kicking. Very odd.


Headache galore.....I always had a dang headache.


My hair and face were so oily. I changed shampoos I dont know how many times...still felt gross.


Needless to say, all the above are GONE. Thank GOD!



Here are some pictures I took when they bumps started appearing. The dr. said if it was the IUD we would know when they bumps started to disappear. And within days of my face going from THAT to the picture i took of it today... I think its clear the problem... :)


My Face now....




My arm now...











My legs now after everything is said and done. They are taking the longest to heal. If anyone has any ideas on what to use to dry this stuff up let me know!!!










Posted : 07/23/2010 9:56 pm

Wow.. what a nightmare :( Sorry you had to go through that. I think it's horrible that when you went in with a symptom, all the docs wanted to do was put you on a medication for it, rather than figure out what caused it. Hopefully you don't have to take all of those scrips anymore.


Thanks for sharing the story, I'm sure it will help other girls that may be going through the same thing. I hope you continue to do better! =]


Posted : 07/24/2010 9:48 am

Thank you, I am glad its finally over. I actually quit all my scrips and feel amazing. No Cymbalta, no medicated deoderant.... my legs just hurt now and my right arm are the slowest healing of it all. I have tried putting peroxcide on them, neosporin, oatmeal baths- nothing seems to be helping it heal faster... they are def. drying up but its just taking its sweet time. lol


Posted : 07/24/2010 3:01 pm

you really have been through a terrible time, so glad you're on the road to recovery now!


as for your legs, I would try some vitamin e oil or something. you say you want to dry them up but i think moisturising is important to help with the marks and make them fade.


good luck, if you find something that helps please post!!


Posted : 12/21/2010 11:46 pm

TTT for people considering this!!!


Posted : 10/07/2012 12:55 am



Posted : 10/07/2012 1:06 am

Oh my god...what an insane experience. I am so sorry. I thought about getting and IUD, but now I'll never go through with it. Birth control pills have been horrible enough. Thanks for posting this!!!


Posted : 10/07/2012 7:50 am

Oh I'm sorry for your experience. But can I just point out to everyone that the mirena IUD is a progesterone hormone based one. So while some of the symptoms sound like they were caused by the IUD (pain during sex particularly can mean it's not settled in the right place) many will be due to the hormone. Just wanted to clarify that incase someone was thinkng of getting a copper IUD and this scared them off.


Posted : 10/08/2012 6:40 am

That sounds terrible. Your gyno should have explained the possible side effects to you, especially with a method as invasive as an IUD.


Women, remember that there are other options apart from the pill and the coil. I have the Implanon implant which is just a tiny plastic rod inserted into your upper arm that releases progesterone. It lasts 3 years and complications from the actual insertion are very rare, though it does have side effects just like any other hormonal birth control.


If your body really can't stand all these hormones, just go back to condoms, sometimes it's not worth it to suffer through the side effects of hormonal methods.


Posted : 10/14/2012 12:31 pm

Personally, I think any female with an acne problem should probably avoid the Mirena. Although I think it's great if you're forgetful about taking birth control pills, but at least pills can be easily stopped. The Mirena needs to be removed by a willing physician, and we all know how doctors seem to pooh-pooh us when we say "this is exacerbating my acne!" Not only that, but INSURANCE WILL OFTEN NOT COVER MIRENA REMOVAL IF IT IS DONE BEFORE THE DEVICE EXPIRES. If you get the device removed, there's no guarantee that you won't get a bill for several hundred dollars from your GYN.

I think my acne was exacerbated by the Mirena in 2008 when I had it placed after the birth of my son... I've had acne since I was 11 to some degree or another. My skin was pretty clear during the 3rd trimester and while I was nursing.

My skin was pretty bad prior to having it inserted, but it was horrendous (and resistant to all treatments except Accutane) after I had it placed. I've had it removed recently, but can't really say if it's improved the acne since when I had the Mirena removed I was also simultaneously taking Accutane *for the second time since having the Mirena inserted, I might add*.

I had acne on my back, on my scalp, with the worst breakouts on my neck/temples. This stuff was seriously impervious to all methods of treatment, all antibiotics, all topicals, and seemed related to ingrown hair.

Personally, I think all hormonal birth control makes me break out, bloat, gain weight, exacerbate my acne--


Posted : 11/09/2012 9:01 pm

I had to pay 900.00 to have mine removed, insurance wouldn't cover it. Best money I've spent- just get it out!


I have never had problems with my skin until I had that thing put in. All thru high school , you name it- once I had the mirena put in it was down hill from there. My skin is back to normal now thank goodness.
