Is purging normal w...
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Is purging normal with the regimen?


Posted : 05/03/2020 2:07 am

Of use the regimen many years ago and it worked wonders. I was in high school then now I am older and I just started using it again almost a month ago and it has seem to clear up my acne but I still have some weird ones Im not used to popping up on my jaw line. line and just a few tiny tiny ones on my forehead. I am currently on Zoloft the antidepressant and I saw somewhere that it can cause hormonal acne like on the Jaw line. Is my skin purging or could this just be my Zoloft medication? I dont remember my skin purging a long time ago I just remember it clearing up pretty fast. I wasnt on antidepressants then so this is a whole different situation. I just want to know whats going on if I am purging or what.

Member Admin

Posted : 05/04/2020 11:10 am

It's not normal for the skin to purge on the regimen, but some people have reported it, so it's also not unheard of.

With all of the people I have coached, I don't normally see a bad purging. Sometimes the skin can be up and down for the first couple of weeks though. It's hard to tell exactly to be honest at the start. But the majority of people tend to clear up reliably.


Posted : 05/04/2020 9:15 pm

Skin purging from benzoyl peroxide would not necessarily happen.

If you're breaking out in the same areas you might have a newly developed food intolerance, or it could be your medication.
