Great jojoba oil tr...
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Great jojoba oil trick to help flaking skin!!!!!!


Posted : 08/17/2017 12:27 am

Hi everyone! I've been on the regimen for a few months now & like most people, I've had serious issues with dry, flaking skin. I find myself having to moisturize sometimes 4-5 times A DAY in order to keep the flakes at bay; and they still reappear a few hours after. I've been using jojoba oil for a bit now & it has helped a lot with the flakes but they were definitely still severe. BUT I have found (well, I'm sure lots of people have tried this before but I felt I should share it) a trick that really helps to stop the flakes!

I tried this out a few days ago & since starting it, my skin has become MUCH softer & my dryness is way better- plus, way less flakes! Basically what I've been doing is in the shower after cleansing, I put 5-7 drops of jojoba oil in my hands & VERY GENTLY massage it into my wet skin. I do it the same way as you're supposed to with the cleanser- barely touching your skin and for a very short amount of time. Then rinse your face as normal! After I did this & looked at my hands, they were COVERED in flakes of skin that I had massaged off with the jojoba oil. Normally when I get out of the shower my face is already cracking from dryness, but after doing this, it was sooo much better! THen just carry about your routine as normal with BP & moisturizer (and more jojoba oil in the moisturizer as recommended).

I've been doing this morning & night for a few days & it has helped tremendously. Just thought I should share what has helped my dry skin in case someone else is looking for help!


Posted : 08/19/2017 10:56 am

in the shower did you let the oil sit or just washed it off right away?


Posted : 08/22/2017 5:36 pm

On 8/19/2017 at 9:56 AM, Brooke armistead said:

in the shower did you let the oil sit or just washed it off right away?

Normally I just rinse it right away but I'm sure letting it sit would be fine too
