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Should I continue using it? Bacne question?


Posted : 07/31/2017 8:33 am

I purchased the regimen about 3 months ago more or less.  I haven't been using it consistently .  Some days I do miss and some days only once but for the most part I've followed it when my schedule allows .  I'm about to run out and I'm still breaking out at times with cysts on my back that are a bit painful.  I'm 32 and have dealt with this issue for a while now.  I'm desperately trying to avoid accutane and antibiotics.   Should I continue with  the regimen and follow it more strictly  or just stop use? I'm using the cleanser, bp and glycolic acid.  Should I also use a moisturizer because skin is dry and should I exfoliate?  I'm frustrated for having to fight this battle for so long and it can be extremely demoralizing .....Here are some pics from today .  I've also had those stretch marks on my back since I was a teen and not sure if anything can  done for them.  Is it about time to go for accutane because through my eyes it the worst case of bacne I've seen.  Thanks in advance  ...

one last question.   The kit I purchased was the body kit and after 3 months I still have some left over.  Is this an indication that I'm not applying enough if I still have some after 3 months? Any supplements or extra things I should be doing or taking to help out ?






Posted : 08/03/2017 1:46 pm



Posted : 08/09/2017 6:11 pm

I'm going through a similar thing with my back and also my shoulders, though I have not been following the regimen nearly as strictly for it as I have for my face, which it worked on. I also haven't tried out the glycolic acid on my back. But even using benzoyl peroxide twice a day, I still get cysts on my back at least every week, and they're huge and scar. It's really depressing. My back looks a little bit worse than yours does, and I've been told I probably am not at the accutane phase yet, but I don't know.I also really don't want accutane or antibiotics, but I am considering something new at this point because I think bacne is just so difficult to treat with topicals... and maybe benzoyl peroxide doesn't work so well for the big cysts. Maybe a higher percentage BP gel would work better for the back?


Posted : 08/09/2017 11:29 pm

On 2017-07-31 at 6:33 AM, Frustrated1985 said:

I purchased the regimen about 3 months ago more or less.  I haven't been using it consistently .  Some days I do miss and some days only once but for the most part I've followed it when my schedule allows .  I'm about to run out and I'm still breaking out at times with cysts on my back that are a bit painful.  I'm 32 and have dealt with this issue for a while now.  I'm desperately trying to avoid accutane and antibiotics.   Should I continue with  the regimen and follow it more strictly  or just stop use? I'm using the cleanser, bp and glycolic acid.  Should I also use a moisturizer because skin is dry and should I exfoliate?  I'm frustrated for having to fight this battle for so long and it can be extremely demoralizing .....Here are some pics from today .  I've also had those stretch marks on my back since I was a teen and not sure if anything can  done for them.  Is it about time to go for accutane because through my eyes it the worst case of bacne I've seen.  Thanks in advance  ...

one last question.   The kit I purchased was the body kit and after 3 months I still have some left over.  Is this an indication that I'm not applying enough if I still have some after 3 months? Any supplements or extra things I should be doing or taking to help out ?





You should not exfoliate. It will just aggravate the skin and cause further inflammation. The glycolic acid already exfoliates the skin - but much more gently. You should definitly moisturize as the dry skin will become inflamed. I don't know if the mosturizor along with the rest of the regime will be enough to reduce the cysts. Yours seem to be very deep but it may be worth it to ensure your back is not sandpaper - it looks so dry in the picture. 

I used to have your bacne in my teens along with cysts on my face. Accutane cured my bacne and the cysts on my face.  But I'm 34 now and have to deal with closed comodones and moderate inflamed acne on my face - which I'm hoping will be reduced with the acne regime that I started recently. 

Assuming you have adjusted diet? Try eliminating dairy and wheat to see if they help. These foods are not easily digested by everyone and increase imflamation. Zinc, lots of water and organic Red delicious apples also help to reduce inflammation. These things won't cure acne, but they can reduce the intensity of it. 
