Too much too fast i...
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Too much too fast in a lot of pain


Posted : 11/15/2016 11:33 pm


I started the regimen maybe a week ago. It has been a bit hard. I thought I would be ok with the BP and used a very liberal amount. Turns out I should have started small. Now, I am really itchy, burning, and completely uncomfortable. Is there anything at all I can do? I have the jojoba oil and I use that along with the moisturizer, but nothing is cutting through the burning itching sensation.

Right now I just took the BP out of the equation. How should I get back into the regimen? I've never used BP before. What are the signs of a bad or allergic reaction? Anyone know how long I'll be in pain?



Posted : 11/18/2016 5:09 pm

It's a very common mistake, but one that can be rectified. The best thing is to start over after you've healed. Keep moisturizing, this will help you heal faster. Once your skin is back in balance, start over with just a pea-size amount once a day and go from there. Sounds like you have very sensitive skin, so go really slow your first week. By week 2 you should be at one pump once a day, and by week 3 one pump twice a day. By week 4, you should be at the full two pumps twice a day. Moisturize as often as needed...2, 3, 4 times a day...whatever it takes to keep skin as normal and in balance as possible until your skin adjusts. Redness, itchiness, dryness, even very severe, are all normal. But once you adjust, these symptoms will eventually go away and the treatment will start to feel comfortable.

Allergic reactions can vary but are usually swelling, blistering, crusting, etc. If you notice any of these symptoms, stop immediately.

Good luck and let us know how you do! :)
