2+ Months into Regi...
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2+ Months into Regimen -- Moisturizer feels horrible!


Posted : 10/29/2016 3:20 am

My main issue with the Regimen is the "feeling" the moisturizer (and sometimes AHA) has on my face. Every time I use the Acne.org moisturizer (after cleansingand applying BP), it feels like HARDENED GLUE on my face (I'm not even using a ton!). While my face and skin texture looks normal and there's no apparent dryness, it feels like I have a layer of hardened "glue" on my face. I find this extremely irritating and uncomfortableduring the day.

Help would be much appreciated. Feel like crawling out of my skin.

Member Customer Service

Posted : 11/02/2016 2:47 pm

Hi EricHmm,

If your skin is not absorbing the Acne.org Moisturizer then you should feel a thin layer of the product on your skin. We would recommend that you apply only one pump of the Moisturizer and wait for your skin to absorb the product before applying another pump of the Moisturizer.

If you need any further assistance, please let us know.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 11/03/2016 8:28 pm

Dan and his team are always striving to perfect their products and make them even better for us (and himself, he uses them too!!)! Your feedback is appreciated! :)



Posted : 11/15/2016 1:31 am

This happened to me when i first used it too. It felt really gross and when i rubbed my face it would come off. My skin got used to it and now it goes away. I would use less and if you use the jojoba oil, use less of that too.
