Sudden dermatitis o...
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Sudden dermatitis on face due to BP, need help


Posted : 12/10/2015 11:38 pm

So, I've developed these red, itchy, spots of dermatitis around the sides of my face and around my mouth, and I think i've finally singled out benzoyl peroxide as the culprit. It's calmed down now after stopping the bp for 3 days and corticosteroids, butwithin 2 days of going back on the regimen the dermatitis came back in the same spots.I've been on the regimen for almost 2 years now using 2 pumps day and nightand I can't explain why I am all of a sudden having these rashes. I've stopped using the bp for about 4 days now and my skin looks amazing but I'm afraid that my face will soon break out very badly as I haveheard only horror stories of people coming off BP. Could it perhaps be because of low humidity during winter and I need to use less bp now? or maybe i've developed a reaction over time? This type of reaction is apparently quite common after doing some reading on the boards. My plan is to use dan's AHA every other nightbecause I'm not sure what else I can do without risking another rash flare up.

I suppose the obvious answer is to lessen the amount of BP and risk another flare up just to see if i really am using too much, but just wanted to know if you guys havefeedback about what you think I should do especially if you've had this experience before.


Posted : 12/17/2015 12:09 pm

Before lessening the BP have you tried pumping up the amount of moisturizer? Winter weather does make your skin more dry and sometimes a better moisturizer does the trick. On the other hand I have been on the regimen for almost three years now and I have had no problems staying clear with only one pump each day and night.


Posted : 12/19/2015 12:39 pm

Thanks for the reply. I know its definitely not the moisturizer because I use a very generous amount. I've been using 2 pumps, so I think i should start experimenting with 1 pump like you and see what happens.


Posted : 02/15/2016 12:10 am

Hi guys,
So just an update. I've successfully come off BP and substituted it with salicylic acid wash (neutrogena oil free wash) twice a day and 1 pump Dan's AHA mixed with 1 pump cetaphil ultra hydrating at night. I'd say its been a good 2 months since touching BP. No pimples at all, and only a couple white heads that seem to disappear after taking a shower when they do pop up. Definitely recommend this to anyone who's had success with BP but developed a sensitivity and have to use something else. However, there are still other factors why this works, 1 I haven't given this regimen enough time to see if I really will break out or 2 I just grew out of acne. In the end it's working and I'm completely happy with the results.

nicmic62 liked

Posted : 02/15/2016 11:21 am

Sounds good! Definitely listen to your skin and see what works for you. Congrats!


Posted : 02/15/2016 4:28 pm

I'm glad you had the common sense to stop. If your skin doesn't like something, you probably shouldn't continue. I developed an allergy to BP that has lasted to this day even though ive been off it since 2014. My skin tone is just beginning to get back to normal but i still struggle with acne on a daily basis and ongoing eczema as a result (never had it prior to using BP). I sincerely regret BP use. Keep consistent with your regimen and hopefully in a years time you can report long term success.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 03/27/2016 4:49 pm

Future updates for this post will be done through a blog I made.
