No Moisturiser Afte...
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No Moisturiser After Bp


Posted : 06/15/2015 9:24 am

Hi All


I'd like to know if anybody has tried only bp at night without moisturiser and had any success?


So cleanse, wait, then apply bp at night. And then during the day cleanse, wait and apply moisturiser (and sunscreen if needed)


Thank you


Posted : 06/16/2015 8:11 pm


Most people get best results when The Regimen is followed exactly as directed. What you can consider is doing the regimen as directed until you are clear, then you can try reducing the bp and see if you can stay clear.


Posted : 06/17/2015 2:02 pm

How long should I wait after I become clear to then try to reduce the amount of bp?


Posted : 06/17/2015 11:12 pm

Yes, I have tried this and I'm not gonna lie to you it was a horrible decision (at least for me). Although my skin was used to the bp and the side affects of using it subsided, a little after I cut out the moisturizer and all of the sudden my skin started to flake and really not have that nice smooth feeling it used to. I'm not sure if using moisturizer in the morning would make a difference but when I cut out the moisturizer I was clear of acne but my skin looked terrible.


Posted : 06/17/2015 11:37 pm

I use bp at night without moisturizer, and again in the morning, wait, and then moisturizer (with SPF). Works perfectly for me! Everyone has different skin.


Posted : 06/26/2015 11:50 pm

There were many times while I was on the Regimen where I just fell asleep waiting for the BP to dry so I skipped the moisturizer step. It did not cause any issues for me other than sometimes when I woke up, I would be a bit drier than normal. I stopped increasing my BP doses once I got used to 1 pump. When I was completely clear for about two weeks, I slowly started to reduce the BP. As of right now, I only use a tiny bit of BP on places I feel I might be breaking out. Hope this helps!


P.S. Sunscreen is always needed


Posted : 06/27/2015 8:33 pm

There were many times while I was on the Regimen where I just fell asleep waiting for the BP to dry so I skipped the moisturizer step. It did not cause any issues for me other than sometimes when I woke up, I would be a bit drier than normal. I stopped increasing my BP doses once I got used to 1 pump. When I was completely clear for about two weeks, I slowly started to reduce the BP. As of right now, I only use a tiny bit of BP on places I feel I might be breaking out. Hope this helps!

P.S. Sunscreen is always needed

I seem to be clear from breakouts for a few days and then end up with some breakouts again, it's so frustrating, which is why I was wondering trying only bp without moisturiser afterwards...


Posted : 07/01/2015 11:50 pm



There were many times while I was on the Regimen where I just fell asleep waiting for the BP to dry so I skipped the moisturizer step. It did not cause any issues for me other than sometimes when I woke up, I would be a bit drier than normal. I stopped increasing my BP doses once I got used to 1 pump. When I was completely clear for about two weeks, I slowly started to reduce the BP. As of right now, I only use a tiny bit of BP on places I feel I might be breaking out. Hope this helps!

P.S. Sunscreen is always needed

I seem to be clear from breakouts for a few days and then end up with some breakouts again, it's so frustrating, which is why I was wondering trying only bp without moisturiser afterwards...

I had to use the Tactupump after cleansing in the morning, and after cleansing at night, to become fully clear. So basically I wear bp 24/7.


Otherwise I was clearing up, getting a few, over and over.


Posted : 07/03/2015 9:47 am

I actually do it in reverse. My acne is very determined...If it can't cant service it will just develop under the skin, then bruise and stay that way for months as some bruised infected area I suppose. Been to dermatologist and tried Accutane, worked a little with plenty of side effects but didn't last after treatment was done. I tried the BP treatment + moisturizer like it was instructed. There was little sign of improvement, new pimples kept coming and coming and coming. After a month I figured something should have improved. I changed it up to only a string of BP Treatment in the morning and a cleaning toner at night after a shower. This worked well for me, my acne has never been under this control this much. Every now and again I end up with a ingrown pimple but It dies down in a week that doesn't look obvious and goes away in a month. My skin is too oily to use moisturizer is what I theorized. I put on the BP Treatment and my skin feels dry but half way through the day and I'm good, the oils in my skin have already done all the moisturizing I needed.
