Why You Should Defi...
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Why You Should Definitely Do The Regimen


Posted : 12/01/2014 10:31 am

So at the start of high school, I broke out like a pimple farm. I had a few zits here and there back in middle school, but nothing too terrible. By high school I wouldn't leave the house without makeup! I eventually went to a dermatologist who prescribed me clindamyacin, doxy something (antibiotic), and treitonen. I was amazed by the results but by the seventh month I broke out horribly on my forehead. It got worse and worse and I found myself going to the derm about 4 more times in just a few months.


So sophomore year came and it was bad. Even with makeup you couldn't ignore the mountain range on my forehead. So the entire year I spent trying many different things. I got prescribed taxorac (which does NOT work), epiduo, and acayna. The only one that kinda worked was epiduo, which was 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. But that treatment lasted only about a week because I couldn't deal with the constant burning and redness of it. So eventually I just kinda gave up...my face would go through phases of a decent complexion to an embarrassing complexion, but never a clear one. I even tried to use garlic yet that was a stupid idea.


So around June in my sophomore year I did some research. Basically, I watched a few YouTube channels. There I came across acne.org and the regimen. After watching the initial video I decided to give it a try. I used epiduo because I didn't have the huge tube yet, and I saw significant improvement.


When I did get the treatment that I ordered online, I used that twice a day just like instructed. My skin was clear within two weeks. So for the rest of the summer I had a perfect complexion and I was 100x more confident.


Now, in my junior year I haven't had to wear any kind of foundation, concealer, or powder. Give this a shot--it works tremendously well!!!


Posted : 12/01/2014 12:39 pm

Wow, clear in two weeks! That's wonderful! Took me two months hahaha. Thanks for sharing your success story! :)
