Allergic Reaction F...
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Allergic Reaction From Bp?


Posted : 03/31/2014 12:40 pm

Can PB cause an allergic reaction?

I started the regimen 7-8 weeks ago. Around the same time I started getting skin problems around my body. First my neck got red and dry, then back of my arms, then upper chest, then sides of my arms, and now I also got it here and there. I've seen the same type of "redness" in the arms of fat people, but I'm in a good shape. The affected areas also started to flake (not as much as my face though).

I use 5% Basiron AC BP (the only BP you can get in Finland), and I ONLY use it on my face (my face flakes a LOT, and I just realized to swap my salisylic acid cleanser to non-medicated one. Other than that, BP has a good effect on my face, no problems there). I have also read the "manual", trying to find information about any side effects, but haven't found anything fitting to my condition.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Could it be something else? Any ideas?
